Chapter 14: Past to Haunt

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Garth approached the dark house a few blocks from the hotel. Even in his veins he could feel the Black Witch inside. Reluctantly he knocked.

May opened the door. She had a seductive smile on her face,
"I can feel Rose, she is such a powerful witch. Did you do as I instructed?"

"Yes. She hasn't answered me yet. But she doesn't have much choice."

"No, she sure doesn't."

May began to walk down the hall. Garth followed her into an aged living room. Near the fire Herbert sat flipping through accounting charts. He didn't look up,
"Did she agree to become a Black Witch?"

"Not yet. I assume she will be trying to evade me somehow."

"Not likely. Raven's curse will keep them stretched thin. They need the money. And Brent will chance it. Does the Prince know who she is?"

"No. Mark is a blond bobble head. I was surprised he even even formed a crush on Rose as she is now. I had assumed it was just surface level when she was dancing at the lounge.

He just met the Princess though and she has been attached to him pretty good. Mark won't get in the way at all."

Herbert rubbed his chin,
"Good. The fake Queen has done a great job keeping good witches away so I think we are close to ensuring Rose becomes a Black Witch soon. With her power we can control everything."

May interjects,
"Hey, I have done a good job so far! She truly believed I was still a Master Black Witch. She even told people she was greatful of me! And I still have her and Raven tracked. Plus I have their father. So if she does try to run I can trick her with him too."

Herbert rolled his eyes,
"I don't know how you can love my brother! What is with him and attracting witches?"

"He is good! And extremely attractive. "

"And he was going to go for you but then he met his wife...I get it!"

"I would still be a Master Black Witch if I didn't need to kill her... Just wait though. When Rose is in our hands again I will wake him up and make her tell him to accept me!"

Herbert just rolled his eyes. Garth raised an eyebrow but the look on May's face told him to drop it.

Garth instead cleared his throat,
"So if she doesn't agree to terms tonight what is the next step?"

Herbert smiled,
"Speak to the Queen and King tomorrow. Tell them Rose did a terrific job but behind her back you discovered her husband sleeping with a man. You were so relieved she received the Princess without any harm befalling anyone that you want her husband locked up."

"And what of the reward and Rose?"

"This is the best part!"

May beside Herbert smiled too. Soon the plan was detailed to Garth.

Later on May showed Garth out,
"She got to you."

Garth blushed slightly,
"She is alot like Raven but more strong willed. Less tempremental. If this works I will have her to myself? The sick rumors about Herb are false... right?"

May stopped by the door, rubbing her chin,
"I am not sure. He never slept with her but he also never let anyone else sleep with her either.

Jason was the only one that alluded him and Herbert was so mad. But he let Jason still work for him after Rose kicked Jason out.

Jason found out where the Princess was years ago. He was planning to bid for her rescue so he could make the cash. He is the reason Rose knew where to go. She stole the bid for the job from him. Earlier today I sent Jason to the Hotel to wait for Rose and Brent. He will cause chaos I am sure. He may get half the reward foiling the length of time she has to seek a White Witch. Or maybe with the Prince tied up she will go back to him!"

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