Chapter 23: Running

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Raven reached for Rose's hand. Beth broke the silence,
"I can't believe how pretty you two are! Your perfect!"

She looked both girls over, noting all the men blushing. Brent started laughing,
"You seriously had to use your dresses as rope?"

Raven shrugged,
"It gave us enough length!

So are you all coming or not? Because Uncle Herbert could be back anytime."

Rose nodded in confirmation.

Brent walked over,
"For sure ladies."

Beth stepped forward,
"I will too. Ethel spoke to some of her followers in the dungeon that you two have enough power to control either magic. We need to unleash you regardless of the outcome."

Mark smiled at Beth excited at his older sister's input. He wrapped his arm around Rose happily. He noticed Princess Francine give him a shocked look but he didn't care. Rose was crazy. Crazy hot looking too. Despite her attire she held her confidence up, Raven too.

Mitilda looked lost. She had been depending on Beth the last week. She was sure Beth shared her sentiment towards Rose. She was also shocked by Mark. Something had aspired between them. But where did that leave her?

Casper smiled at her in his sweet way, then looked at Beth,
"I support your decision to help out. I believe it best if Mitilda and I stay behind though so we can keep you all updated on the status here."

Mark smiled warmly at Casper. He knew his brother could never travel far and Mitilda still clearly loved him so it gave him a chance to be with her. Beth too shared the same sentiment,
"Of course brother. Take care of yourself. You too Princess Mitilda."

Princess Francine stepped up,
"I am coming too. I promised Rosemary I would protect you Beth, and take you to hrr as soon as you were saved from the dungeon. So I can't back out on my word."

She eyed the twins with displeasure. Raven, never a fan of women, just rolled her eyes and grabbed Brent's arm,
"Ok, let's go then. Jason, show the way!"

Mark gave Rose a raised eyebrow and she mouthed, "I will explain."

The group quickly went to Uncle Herbert's hide out. It was located in Glitz so he could still see Ethel. The looked around the outside of the building but no one was in site. Raven looked at Rose,
"Do you think it is safe?"

"I don't know. I wish I could access my magic."

Beth looked at the witches. She felt bad for the pair. They seemed to draw in trouble. They reminded her of Casper and herself. Plus her younger brother clearly was in love with Rose and it was Mark that helped Calvin save her so she owed it to Mark to make sure he had a happy ending too.

Princess Francine expressed a different opinion, muttering,
"Hmm. It would almost seem like following two naked strippers and their big gay companion was a bad idea!"

Jason laughed,
"That should be a band name."

A smile tinged at Brent and the twins faces. They were use to the oddity of their situation.

Rose focused harder on the house but she just couldn't read it, grumbling she looked at Brent and Jason,
"Well, let's just do this the regular way."

The Royal's looked confused but both men grinned excitedly. Jason hopped in front of the door with Brent joining him,

They kicked the door breaking it open. Rose and Raven smiled simultaneously. They had often snuck through Uncle Herbert's stuff back in lounge. The scene was weirdly nosgilistic.

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