Chapter 17: Raven's Nest

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Mark held on tightly to Rose as he sped the horse through the forest, Rose's presence allowing them to move swiftly. She explained to him the safety nets in place to make sure no one came upon the cottage.

He relished the feel of holding her. They rode through the night. At the break of dawn they arrived at the cottage. It was a cute little place, definitely feminine in design. Mark took care of the horse while Rose went to open up the house. She came up to him,
"Raven and Brent left for market already. They will be back after dinner. Come, I will give you a tour!"

She giggled as she opened the cottage door. It was typical sized. Brent had a tiny room in the corner and beside his was Raven's, just a bit bigger. There was a big table in the main room infront of the fireplace. Shelves surrounded it with food storage and books. There was an old arm chair in the corner. There was a ladder leading up to a loft between the rooms.

Rose had spun Mark in a circle with her as she pointed things out,
"Done! That's all!"

He laughed, it was tiny! But definitely cozy, he gave Rose a cheeky smile,
"Very pretty. But where is your room?"

She smiled at him seductively,
"Right this way my Prince."

She pulled him to the ladder,
"I am in the tower!" She winked at him and he laughed, crashing her mouth with a kiss.

They climbed up the ladder into the small attic space. Mark sat down on her bed. She stood in front of him. She was giddy with excitement. He wanted her no matter what. And his kisses burned her with a sexual desire she never felt before. She smiled into his eyes as she looked down at him. Unlike when she danced this time she could act out what she dreamed.

She lowered his overcoat she wore down her shoulders revealing her perfect hour glass figure. His eyes darkened with desire and he pulled her to him. They made love, desperate to feel each other, their passion made them to fit together perfectly.

Soon they layed in Rose's bed. Sleep took them on and off but in between it they took each other again.

Rose was estatic as she awoke around 5 in the afternoon. Mark was already awake, he studied her,
"I am so glad I am here."

"Me too. Are you sure you don't regret leaving?"

"Nope. We will help restore order to the Kingdom. It's not my life to live. My life is you."

She smiled,
"Even if I turn into a Black Witch?"

He smiled,
"I am Prince Charming. My job is to save you. I will make sure you become a White Witch."

She smiled though doubt was still in her mind. All the same she appreciated his will to protect her. She kissed him hard then pulled away giggling,
"We should get up, I need to start supper. You must be hungry and Raven and Brent will be home soon."

Mark reluctantly followed her down. He wrapped her in a hug when he dropped back in to the main room,
"I can't believe I am here. I always knew things were amiss but not this bad!"

Rose nodded,
"It explains why your siblings knew something was wrong. The Queen wasn't your mother at all. I am very sorry."

Mark tilted his head thinking,
"It was there all along really. The Queen raised me by giving me everything I wanted.

Beth though was always vocal enough to tell me I was spoiled. To be fair I didn't really care. But then Casper's story became more clear. He loved Mitilda when they were kids. When I found out she was turned into my betrothed then I knew it was not right.

That was when I started to help Beth and Casper with research on Witches. My dad always spaced out when I asked him why we had none in our Kingdom. Now I know it must have been the spell on him.

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