Chapter 12: Adventuring Home

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Brent in his drunkness was always more coudley. He wrapped is long arms around kneeling Rose,
"It's good whisky! Just went faster then we realized!"
She went to retort but she sneezed again.
"Awe, Rosey, you definitely caught a chill." He rubbed her cloaked arms.

"I will be fine. We will go to our camp spot from last night. How do we rearrange the horses?"

Mark looked at Princess Matilda. Tradition would suggest he ride with her infront of him but with her size it would be impossible to do.

Garth smiled at Rose,
"You can ride with your husband darling. I bet he loves how you feel against him when you ride in front of him!" He winked devilishly.

The Princess gasped at his dirty remark. She was not use to brash men.

Rose rolled her eyes,
"You are too drunk Garth. Remember your are in company of two women now. Don't be such a scoundrel!"

He laughed out loud. Rose took the flask from his hand. The Princess couldn't help to giggle,
"You guys are a hoot!"

Rose smiled at Mitilda. Rose was happy that she was friendly. Rose was reminded slightly of Tiffany; Sweet but a little bit airheaded. Mark still seemed uncomfortable,
"I'll load the Princess's pack on my horse than we can leave."

Rose and the drunk men stood. Rose felt herself shiver. The chill was taking its hold now. Garth reached for the whisky flask back. Rose smiled at him mischievously while she unscrewed the cap and shot the whisky straight back. She wiped the last drip on her lips with her dainty hand and gave the now empty flask back to Garth. Brent laughed at the scene. Garth just looked at her. He couldn't help but to find her incredibly sexy. The alcohol clouding his normal jerkiness allowed him to really smile, his face turning red,
"Oh my dear. You really are a wild one."

Mark came with the horses. Garth jumped on his horse, wobbling. Mark assisted Mitilda but she struggled to get up and Mark despite his strength had trouble balancing her. Brent walked to the other side and helped steady her. Brent saw her embarrassed look so he patted her arm,
"I imagine you haven't spent much time on a horse as of late. Don't worry miss we are happy to assist!"

She smiled at him, appreciating his consideration and easy manner.

He tipped his hat to her and walked over to his own horse. Rose had climbed up it so he jumped up behind her leaving his hands on her hips. She pulled his cloak open and wrapped it around her as well. She snuggled up to him enjoying the warmth. He smiled down at her, kissing her head.

Matilda looked to Mark, a romantic glint in her eye,
"I hope we will be just like them!"

Garth started laughing loudly. Mark shot him a look assuming he was poking fun at Mark's crush. In Garth's drunken state he caught the look but it just made him laugh more. If only the Prince knew Brent's secret!

They proceeded to travel back to the camp spot. As the site came closer as the sun went down Brent could feel Rose's shivering pick up. The only way for her to beat it would be to sleep. He felt so bad for her. She had to take so much precaution to stay warm. She was normally careful but the dip in the lake must have caused her to get too cold.

The camp was quick to set up, the men well practiced at set up. Mark looked at the two tents,
"Um.. what are the new sleeping arrangements? Brent scratched his chin,
"Ladies and Men?"

Garth mumbled,
"You would like that." Brent scowled at him darkly.

The Princess shrieked out,
"Well actually I need my own tent. No offense to Rose. I just don't sleep with other people. This face isn't just pretty on its own! I need my privacy."

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