Chapter 21: The Fight Begins

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The sun soon streaked into the room. It was only 5 but Rose did not want to start her day off in Rosemary's bad side. So Rose woke Mark up and they slipped outside back onto the beach.

"It's so beautiful out here!"

Mark smiled at her,
"Almost as pretty as you!"

She giggled, then sighed,
"If only that was enough for people to accept us together."

Mark wrapped her in a side hug,
"I know. I am a Prince by birthright. But I don't belong with people. I don't like them. I am happier outside. Making my own schedule."

Rose hummed,
"Do you really think you are allowed to leave?"

"No. But I will anyways."

He paused and they took in the sunshine hitting the water. Mark whispered to her,
"Moments like this remind me it is worth it to."

Rosemary scuttled quickly to Mark's room. She was upset he wasn't there. But when she went to Rose's it too was empty. Confused she went to the kitchen where Penny was sitting watching out the window. Rosemary approached seeing Mark holding Rose as the sun rose. Penny sighed,
"You know Rosemary. If you restore Casper to crown then technically Mark is free to marry. He does love Rose. There is no denying."

Rosemary sighed,
"But it wouldn't be right. Too many know her story. It would put a bad taste to our family name."

Penny looked at Rosemary, her voice hardened slightly,
"The day I last saw Rose and Raven they were anxiously staring at Emerald hoping the brew I gave her would cure her. She had been poisoned for 3 years. The girls were just 13. Beautiful but young and as innocent as you could be.

They had taken on all their mother's work on top of their chores. And their father treated them with little regard. But they worked tirelessly to keep their mother comfortable.

Rosemary, I could have taken them with me. I could have saved them. Emerald asked me to but I thought I would wait until she passed on.

They were gone when I came back 3 days later. Their Father so drunk he couldn't even tell me where he sent them. And Emerald died that day. They never even would have known.

If you can look past the diplomacy please consider allowing Mark to have her."

Rosemary watched as her grandson looked at Rose. Whatever she had said made him laugh heartily and hug her tighter to him. She watched as they turned around and walked back towards the house.

Rose stopped him a serious look passed across her face. He looked at her sadly. Then cupped her face and kissed her much more passionately then any gentleman should.

Rosemary and Penny exchanged looks with one another. Rosemary shook her head,
"Two young adults, brought up by Black Magic."

Penny cracked a grin,
"To be fair, the darkside does look more fun in the love chatagory! My husband never kissed me like that!"

The pair walked in and Rose helped Penny make breakfast while Mark and Rosemary finalized plans.

Dottie walked in with the little girls. They immediately ran to Rose and began talking to her. Penny smiled at Dottie. Her daughters were often very shy so watching them take to Rose so well really highlighted to the ladies that Rose was a very good person. Despite the Black Magic in her she seemed to maintain her own mind.

Mark and Rose set off to pack the horses.

Dottie shook her head,
"How does a girl that filled with Black Magic be so good natured?"

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