Chapter 9: Denial

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The guys finished eating and the Prince excused himself to pay, his face was down despite his best efforts. Garth volunteered to grab the horses.

As soon as they were out of sight Brent leaned into Rose,
"I am not sure what happened last night but you still need to treat Mark the same as before last night. Talk to him about anything again; weather, spells, horses. You just need to try to normalize your friendliness. I know you have chemistry with him but we have to focus on the reward. I won't leave again either. I am sorry. That was reckless of me too.

Rose nodded in agreement. Brent was right. Mark would know she was avoiding him if she stopped speaking to him. She knew how to bottle her emotions and now was the time to do just that. Especially with the Garth situation,
"Brent, I think Garth knows something. He touched my scar this morning."

Brent's face puzzled. It was hard to see it,
"Did he skim it accidentally?"

"No, he applied pressure on it! And last night I swore I saw Jason a few times!"

"Jason? What the hell would he be doing in this inn? Did he talk to you?"

"No.. he looked angry though."

"Well you were probably were flirting up a storm with charming!"

She made a guilty face causing Brent to laugh,
"Okay, game plan. We stick close by to Garth and Mark at all times. Where ever Garth went last night could have given him some dirt. We can't let him ruin this chance for us."

Rose nodded in agreement,
"Deal. And if Jason pops up we chase him off as well as we can."

They stood up. Mark turned from the counter and looked at the pair. Rose smiled prettily at him,
"Thank you for breakfast, are you ready for another day of riding?"

Before Mark realized it they were back to casual conversation. They approached the horses, Brent assisting Rose up. Mark climbed his as well then looked at Garth. Garth was studying Rose carefully, a hard look on his face like he was trying to sort out a game.

The group traveled to the next Kingdom. It was a small kingdom with very little services. Rose slowed her horse and looked back at the men,
"I am not as familiar with this area? Do you think there is an inn?"

Garth rode up beside her, a mean smirk on his face,
"A'Fraid not sweetie. Just a lounge. They have girls that dance in their underwear there. You may be too good for a place like that. It's pretty dirty to take your clothes off and dance for pigs like me!- don't ya think?" He cared little about the hard look Brent was giving him nor about the shocked look on the Prince's face. He just looked at Rose.

Rose realized he knew. It confirmed to her that Jason was at the inn last night and at some fed him some stories. Damn. She decided to play naive though, at least until she new his real motive. She drew her lips into a sultry "oh". Garth instinctively drew in his eyes to her mouth,
"Why Garth! I don't think.. well I don't think you are a pig!"

The men behind her snorted with laughter at Garth.
He shot her a look but even he had to smirk,
"Well played little darling!"

She shrugged dismissively. That was until the lounge came to view. Instinctively she new something was wrong. Herbert leaned against the door, his expression dark.

Anger sparked Rose, she looked to Garth unamused. In a low voice she whispered to Garth,
"I see you have discovered some things about my past. But may I remind you that a crowned Royal rides behind us. Herbert is a messed up man. You, I am certain, will know of his fasination of me. He has no quelm in hurting or eliminating anyone in his way to get to me. You, like me, are sworn to his safety."

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