Chapter 19: Onwards

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For the last couple days the group had amassed a great distance traveled to reach the to path Mark's grandma. They were all tired. They slept little and prioritized on making the trip as fast as possible. They were within an hour to the edge of the small town of Raze.

Rose felt so tired. She struggled to keep alert. Her eyes closed momentarily. As she did she felt the tug of Raven's bond. Raven was seeking her! She focused, realizing her sister was not at home.

Rose let out a cry,
"Raven is not at home!" The men stopped, confusion lined their faces.

"Do you think she decided to follow us?"

"She can't Mark, the potion ties her to the cabin."

"Maybe she was kidnapped by someone trying to find us?"

Brent spoke up,
"Impossible. Only Rose, me and Raven can reach the cabin."

Rose froze,
"And Jason. Raven revoked my ban."

They all looked between each other. Rose spoke,
"I have to go find her!"

Brent's brow furrowed,
"We are so close though. Rose we need you to get through the town.

Give me the directions to her, I will retrieve her and if something further is going on I will come straight back here. In three days if I have not returned than come find us."

Rose still was pale. She looked to Mark. She had to help him. More was still at stake if his path was unsuccessful. She took a shakey breath,
"I will right you the map Brent."

Ten minutes later they divided. Rose prayed for Raven's safety.

She and Mark continued to the town. The closer Rose got the more her skin prickled. She could tell charms to detect Black Magic were set up. No doubt if Rose was a full Black Witch she would be forced to retreat by now.

Mark and Rose slipped off their horses in a public stable. The town was immaculate, filled with flowers and lighted paths.

"Wow, Rose this place is beautiful!"

She smiled at him, gripping onto his hand,
"It's magical!"

Mark approached the first vendor,
"Good day sir. I am in search of an older woman by the name of Rosemary. She is my grandmother."

He looked at Mark then travelled to Rose. She smiled politely. He considered the pair,
"Head to the florist at the end of this row. She may give you information."

They smiled appreciatevley and walked down the road. A frisbee dropped by their feet. Rose scooped it up. She spotted two blonde girls, one of 13 and one of 7 or 8. She smiled politely, holding out the frisbee.q

The 13 year old sized up Rose. She could sense the buzz of Black Magic warning around her. Her little sister proceeded forward,
"Stop Lily. She is a marked woman."

"She is so pretty though. And she seems gentle."

"She may be tricking us!"

"But I want my frisbee back!"


The stubborn little one ran to her nanny's place as her older sister ran behind. The little girl jumped into the flower shop,
"Liza won't let me get my frisbee!"

Her older sister burst through the door,
"There is a marked witch! She picked up the frisbee! She is heading this way!"

Their nanny stood up and looked to the girl's mother,
"Dottie, I will take the little ones to the back room. I will listen and come assist if I must.

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