Chapter 18: Gone

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Mitilda stood by Beth. She was waiting for Mark to come back. After finding out about Rose and Brent she assumed Mark had only left to ensure Brent was locked up. After all no matter how nice he was what he did was wrong.

Rose twirled with Garth. Mitilda wasn't a fan of Garth but at least Rose wasn't locked up. She whispered to Beth,
"Do you really think she wasn't a prostitute?"

Beth considered,
"I don't know. I hope it's all just a lie for Garth to get something he wants."

Other dances were called to the floor. Beth noticed the liner Rose were had smudged. Garth gripped her arm much too tight. Beth knew about hard men. Her heart broke for Rose. Garth sent her off with two handmaid's.

Suddenly Mark appeared out of breath. He whispered,
"Where is Rose?"

"Garth sent her to his room. Are you still leaving despite what you heard?"

"Yes. I will give you the full story or better yet let her tell you. But she is good Beth. If I can save her tonight she will be able to free you too."

He hugged Beth and ran out the room.

A few moments later the Queen strolled by. She looked at Mitilda,
"Where is Prince Mark?"

Mitilda shook her head,
"I am not sure. He will be back soon I think."

Beth cut in covering for her little brother,
"He snuck off to the kitchen to eat more." Beth rolled her eyes in a bored manner.

The Queen laughed,
"Of course. He is always eating. Mitilda feel free to dance with Garth. Rose will be right back she just had to freshen up."

With that the Queen strode away.

Half an hour passed and the Queen returned. She saw Mitilda fidgeting with her jewelry. Mark was still no where in sight. The selfish prick was probably upset she was too fat.

She sat beside the King. He was enjoying the music. He was a good looking man. She sometimes even felt bad for what she had done.

But it was necessary. With Rose they could finally eliminate White Witches. Rose was destined to be a White Witch. The nature in her was powerful, more than any other Witch. With her navigation skills more articrafts could be found to drain the White Witches.

White Magic was too hard to master and it constantly undid Black magic. It wasn't fair. Humans deserved to be cursed. She and May could never rid of the Black Magic. So they decided together to destroy White Witches so they could still be on top. As Queen she had so much control. Her only fear was the King's mother.

Suddenly Herbert appeared his face dark. The Queen was confused. He wasn't supposed to be in here. Herb grabbed Garth, pulling him out the room. The Queen got up to follow.

"Where is she Garth!" Herb was seething. The Queen felt her temper rise. Herbert had a strange obsession with Rose. The Queen assumed it was because he loved Rose's mother. But she picked Rose's father instead. So he switched his attention to Rose. Either way it made her jealous,
"She is in the bathroom where I told you!"

"No, she is not!"

"I was just there, she was crying in misery and freezing to ice. She couldn't escape I charmed the door and no one else knew where she went."

"Well she isn't there Ethel."

Garth looked upset now too. He looked at the dancers. He saw Mitilda standing by herself,
"Where is Mark?"

"Eating. I don't have time to worry about him. We have to find Rose."

"He is in love with Rose!"

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