Chapter 3: A Little Bit of Magic

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The men rejoined the couple by the horses. Brent made a dominance show by assisting Rose onto her horse.  He had been taught to protect her, even way back when he first met her.

Brent was 18, working at her Uncle Herbert's Entertainment Lodging for the past 2 years. At the time he lived for the constant party scene. The maidens who danced and teased the men, the brawling, the easy flow of drinks. He was initially kitchen help but due to his growing stature Herb easily selected him for body gaurding within a few months.

He still remembered Rose and Raven coming in. Even at 13 the girls were stunning. But it was clear Herb had already broken them.

Right away their displeasure was evident as they watched the swanky waitresses in undergarments get ready for dancing. The girls were instructed to change into short dresses. Raven looked at Herb wickedly but Rose quickly broke up Raven's glare.

Herb looked towards his favourite girl,
"Tiffany, make sure they change and do their hair. And don't worry sweet cheeks, these are my nieces. They are here to make us all lots of money but your still my favourite!" He winked at Tiffany than patted Rose's cheek. Rose's face remained passive but behind Herb's line of sight Raven looked terrified for her twin,
"Oh, and make sure to leave their chokers on. You don't want to unleash them all the way!" He laughed at his own joke though the rest of the room was confused.

Raven's face darkened and Rose tugged on hers upsettingly.

"All right ladies, strip down. I will help with your hair." Tiffany clapped her hands. She loved terrorizing recruits.

The twins looked at each other, discomfort clear on their faces. In the room Brent and the Stage Manager, Charles, smoked cigars. There were another six girls in the room, in various stages of dress. The young girls were definitely more proper than the lot.

Reluctantly the girls pulled of their tattered frocks. Their movements were slow and painful. Brent couldn't help but stare. The girls were beautifully built, 5'3 with larger breasts and rounding hips.

"Oh gosh! You hoth have no hair!"

Charles walked over to the girls,
"Herbie mentioned a new hair removal technique. Holy it's right gone!" with no regards to Rose's space he ran his hand up along her legs to her front. The poor girl looked like she may faint.

Tiffany waved her hands in a go away motion at Charles,
"All right, all right, it's not that amazing," her face betraying her jelousey.

Tiffany was Herbie's long standing favourite but one of the other girls had told her recently that Herbie was finding Tiffany boring. She started gathering Raven's hair in her hands and looked quizzedely at Rose,
"Are ya'll really his neices?"

Rose nodded her face contoured with disdain,
"Yes Madame."

"Madame? I like that.. made...amme. Mmhmm. I like that. I sound classy! Hah- Hey Trish. Get the scissors. The black hair to her chin! And curly here is going iron board straight!"

An hour later Raven stared in the mirror gripping at her now imaginary hair length, tears pulling in the corner of her eyes.  Rose tried to pull her tube dress further down her backside but it just caused the top to squish her braless assets out more.

The others had just left the room save for Brent in the corner.

Defeated by her endeavor Rose instead reached out to her twin,
"Raven, you still look beautiful, it will grow long again," she lowered her voice, "We will get out of here first break we have. We need to get these chokers off though. For now we play along, just as we talked about. Ok?"

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