Chapter 2: A Little More Red

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8 years later

Rose pulled her brush through her long red ringlets before tying it up in a neat bun. She examined her appearance in the tiny mirror. She had on a modest frock which hugged her well defined hips and well rounded breasts. Her complextion was blemish free. Her lashes were naturally black framing in sparkling blue eyes. She looked beautiful. Despite herself she thought of Raven's appearance. It shot a shiver through Rose. Today was no time to think of her twin.

Normally Rose payed little attention to her looks. She had become accustomed to camping outdoors and long travel by horse. But today was different. She was meeting loyalty. Though it was vain of her she couldn't help to want to look her best. She had been awarded a major task to complete. It was a high stake job but the reward was worth it.

"Miss Rosey-posey, let's go!" Brent leaned his massive, muscular 6'5 frame around her door. He was cleanly shaven, in place of his normal 5 o'clock shadow. He had on a modest over coat, worn but not dirty and a cap fitted over his brown hair. His deep brown eye glowed excitedly. Not only was he excited about the upcoming quest but the night before they had unwound at the lodge they currently resided at. The bar had been bustling with dancing and drinks. There was no doubt in Rose's mind that he had a few more pints then she and had wandered off to get laid.

She smiled happily,
"I am ready, I just need my cloak." Goosebumps lined her hairless arms. Her uncle had forced her to remove all her body hair, save for her ringlets and eyebrows. She had been forced to perform a magic spell that burned the hair off indefinitely. She couldn't move for days, it was like third degree burns under her skin. Now she was always cold.

Once again she shook the past thought from her mind but not before seeing Brent's soft expression at her. He had been with her since she was 13, he knew all of her history. The intense guilt he felt was unfounded in her mind as in the last couple years he made up for it tenfold by staying by her side through everything. She knew his secrets too and their partnership helped them both to lead a fairly good life now.

She tied her cloak on and smiled fully at him, linking her small arm through his,
"Let's go, I will help you walk, as I do not imagine you slept much."

He smiled sheepishly at her,
"Aye, you are quite correct."

They made their way to the check out. The elderly woman thanked them for their stay,
"Always a pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Hull!"

They both smiled at her than one another. The pair played a perfect couple to an outsider. They both were very attractive and the guise protected the true reality of their unique situations.

They made their way into the busy market. Smells of fresh bread, smoked meat and lots of spices filled the air as loud merchants sounded and patrons bustled through the cobblestone streets. The pair walked up towards the massive castle, the perfect architecture and ornate designs highlighted the wealth of the area. They were in the Kingdom of Giltz, the most powerful Kingdom in the land of Hertford. There were other kingdoms but none shone above Giltz.

Rose took a deep breath as they accended up the stairs. A castle patron in rich finery met them at the top step,
"Follow me to the hall, keep your heads bowed and do not speak unless spoken to. And may God see over you that all your words are spoken wisely. I am tired of beheadings."

She felt Brent tremble. Technically they were criminals however the castle was in desperate need of the pair's services. So they were turning a blind eye to Rose and Brent, providing of course the pair were successful. She gripped onto Brent's arm tighter in reassurance. They knew where to go, and how to get there. They would be fine.

The Royal Family sat upon golden throws. They were adorned in rich fabric and jewels. Large tapestries hung about them and the room sparkled clean. The hall would soon be filled with townsfolk asking favours but Rose and Brent had been invited prior to that for this discussion.

Raven and RoseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon