Chapter 13: Truth or Lie

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Rose closed her eyes. She wished what Garth said was untrue. But he was right. She should not have a scar. Raven was right to bring it up with May! May had tricked them. But why. She touched the scar hesitantly.

Garth watched her intently. He had so much information on her it was bewildering. She wanted to pick him for all the details but part of her knew he would expect payment. He could also be lying to her too. She had to protect Brent as well. She chose her words carefully,
"It is late. I do not know if I can trust all you say."

"That is ok. May told me you would say that."

She paused. He knew May?
"Why do you know May?"

"She's friends with Herbert. And in love with your father."


"Oh Rose. I don't like giving information to you for free. I am not generous. Tell you what. I won't say anything else but I will give you until tomorrow night to decide if you want to work with me.

If you do, I won't tell about Brent. If you don't. I will tell."

Tears sprang to her eyes. He was so cruel. He took a step closer to her staring into her eyes,

"Oh Rose. Do not cry. Tell you what. I will give you one more option. A total opt out." He paused, looking up and down her figure.
"Which is?" She pressed, hating the feel of his eyes.
"You sleep with me."

Her eyes got big. He laughed loudly,
"Sleep on it. By tomorrow night I will hope to have your smooth skin rubbing against me."

He walked back towards the tent.

Rose sat down on a rock. Tears began flowing down her cheeks. What could she do?

She looked back to the tent. There was no way she could go back to sleep. She just stayed on the beach until the sun began to rise.

Mark walked out of the tent a little while later. Garth had came back, a smile on his face, but Rose never returned.
He saw Rose sitting on the beach, her curls whipping around her. She looked so scared. Mark just wanted to pick her up and hold her to him. Whatever Garth had said majorly affected her.

It suddenly occurred to Mark that she was unmarried. He felt a new idea spin. If his grandmother could restore his brother's crown and put Mark back in 2nd command than he could marry for love. His brother could have Mitilda, his rightful spouse. Mark just had to find his grandmother.

A new spring entered his step. He had planning to do.

The Princess came out of her tent,
"Ugh! What an awful night! I got bit by mosquitos all night!"

Mark looked at her, a look of regret on his face,
"I am sorry, I should have given you some balm."

"Oh, I had some my hand ladies gave me but it smells so gross!"

Mark's face was confused. He struggled to think of a response but luckily Rose came to his rescue,
"I can lend you some of mine Princess, I infuse it to not smell."

Rose dug through her bag and passed Mitilda a jar, Mitilda took a long sniff,
"Oh my gosh it smells like Angel Cake!"

Mark smiled at Rose. She was unbelievably sweet. She returned his smile, her blue eyes meeting his. The spark between them was unbelievable. Mark just wanted to kiss her. His Red.

Footsteps interrupted their exchange. Brent was stretching out his arms. He lightly shouldered Rose,
"Feeling better angel?"

"No.. we need to talk. I will explain..."

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