Chapter 24: A Father's Tale

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Jacob's dark eyes took in the assembled group. There was a blond Princess with a pretty face but she had a look of distaste at the surrounding, she was well adorned with jewellery and makeup, no doubt this was the furthest away from a castle she had been. He noted she had angry eyes directed at Rose.

Beth was a small Princess with white-blond hair. She had a smart look to her. She was a bit roughed up in a crushed gown. She stood beside a tall knight, Calvin, who spent a lot of time checking down at her.

Mark stood close to Rose but he too was studying the circle. His mind obviously spinning with plans.

A massive man stood across from him. Brent had a good natured smile. He winked at Raven who smiled back at him excitedly motioning her head towards Jacob. He seemed genuinely happy for her.

Jacob placed a hand on Raven's shoulder reassuringly and she gave him a full smile. She still looked so much like him. He couldn't help smile back,

"All right gang. I will give you what I can.

White Witches and Black Witches alike work in covens. They work to protect each other. As always, orders form and roles are distributed.

Rosemary was Queen of Giltz and therefore also the leader of her conven. Giltz during her rule was very traditional. Rules such as the marriage laws were put in place by her. People could not class up or down, girls had to have a dowry and be married by 18.

White Witches were expected to help any Witch in trouble. Black Witches were rare at that time, but there was a lot of Blue.

During Rosemary's rule White Witches had become more... clique. They were only training Blue Witches who had mother's who were White Witches. No Blue Witch could get higher status.

Unfortunately for Blue Witches this meant they were stuck in common status. White Witches were always married into Royalty or Government.

At the time Emerald, May and Ethel were all White Witches. Their mother's had been White Witches too.

That is where my brother and I came in. I was a few years younger then Herb.

Herbert had made a name for himself as a collector. He is very buisness minded. Of course it is hard to make money in that field so he soon entered the black market too.

He would provide Witches with many ingredients though and that is when Ethel took a liking to him.

However he was more interested in Emerald. Unfortunately for him Emerald was very Good and she did not want to hurt Ethel's feelings. Plus Herbert was still not in high status so he could not marry a White Witch anyways.

Ethel though could not agree with that ruling anymore. And Herbert still wanted a witch so he could further his buisness. So Ethel decided to become a Master Black Witch. May, who always followed Ethel, and without my knowledge had formed a crush on me, also turned.

Now a Master Black Witch is respected because they can seek out regular black magic and sometimes remove it or alert White Witches to it. By becoming a Black Witch though you are unable to marry a higher class. The Black Magic is poisoning to a Witch so staying Good is very difficult. Men sometimes bring out the worst in women so for Black Witches it is recommended they stay single.

A Master Black Witch can be turned White again by another White Witch.

So this is where the clashing began. The old King passed away and his son, Mark's father, took the throne with his wife. She was a beautiful Princess, similar to Beth here. But she was non magical which crushed Rosemary.

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