Chapter 16: Without Warning

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The group left the room preparing to go their separate ways. Brent and Rose gave each other a long hug,
"If anything goes wrong, please know that I love!"

"Right back at you angel, do not stress,you have taken down worse demons than Garth!"

She pulled away from the embrace then joined Princess Beth. The men turned the other direction.

"I loath balls but I remember Mitilda having a huge love affair for them. I am glad Rose you are here to help me survive her!"

Rose giggled, amused at the Princess's easy manner.

Beth stood outside Mitilda's door,
"It's not like I have any one to dress to impress!" But she slyly winked at a knight standing near her. His cheeks reddened.

Rose laughed, lowering her voice,
"Calvin is very handsome!"

Beth giggled happily,
"Yup- almost as cute as Mark!"she smiled devishly while Rose blushed.

They entered Matilda's room to see it had been transformed into a mess of dresses, fabrics and ribbons. Matilda was speaking to the hair dressers as they styled Mitilda's hair. In the background the sewer stitched at a dress earnestly, no doubt the dress being origionally designed for a smaller Princess.

Soon Rose and Beth were directed to hair as well. Mitilda looking excitedly at Rose,
"You have always been common! So I picked a beautiful gown for you- Brent will thank me!" She wiggled her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

Soon the hair and make up was done. The dressers came with the gowns.

Beth and even Mitilda immediately dropped their robes down to their slips. Rose followed suit slightly taken back by their ease. For the next half hour she watched as dressers fitted corsets, hoops, ties and layers of fabric to each girl. Rose thought back to Mark's comments from the night before. He was right. Noble women and whores were the same. No choice in hair or costume. Both dolls for men's pleasure. She found the corset restricting and found it drew attention straight to her ample bussom. She knew she looked gorgeous. But was it worth it?

Mitilda had broken into tears with how tight her corset was tied and Beth was upset when a dresser tried to stuff her chest. It reminded Rose of the lounge; girls puking to look skinnier, thongs and bras being built to fix unseemly lines. Makeup used everywhere to cover up birthmarks or imperfections.

It was uncanny the similarities.

Soon the dressers announced they were done. The ladies proceeded to the ballroom to join the men behind the stage curtain. The King and Queen walked first out on to the stage to sit upon their thrones, the rest of the Royal children followed. The King announced the return of Princess Mitilda. Garth escorted her to the stage. The elite crowd clapped appropriately. Mitilda gave a surprisingly beautiful speech. It was clear that when under pressure Mitilda could hold her own. Rose was happy to realize Mitilda would be the next Queen. Rose sensed the Princess would do well.

Mitilda ended her speech with a major thanks to Rose and Brent. She made sure to state that no one else would ever achieve what Brent and Rose had. With that she walked up to her throne, her eyes momentarily meeting Casper's. He mouthed "well done" making her smile.

Garth ended the clap,
"Well. As you mentioned Rose was a vital part of this rescue. She, as some of you may be surprised to hear, is a Witch. She used her power to discover the Princess and despite what would have been impossible for a regular person she made it through unscathed.

I was surprised at her abilities to be sure. She could do nothing wrong. And her husband. An amazing partner ... it would seem.

Let's invite them out!"

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