Chapter 6: Kingdom of Mirth

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The ride to Mirth passed quick. Rose had the lead and the natural environment seemed to just let her through. A wide river would appear but she would manage to lead them across a low spot. Or a wall of thorns would be ahead but by the time they arrived the thorns would appear pushed aside.

In no time the group had stopped by an old inn. Due to a recent fire spread a hotel had burnt down so all the inns were filled except for this one which only had one room.The front desk gave them a key but the beds were almost touching. There were high shelves for the packs though.

Garth rubbed his hands,
"While as I do not make it to Mirth often I suppose I should stop by an old friend's. I will return shortly."

Garth waved goodbye and headed down the road. Brent smacked his hands together, looking between the Prince and Rose,
"Well, this room is only suited for sleep. Let's have some pints and food at the pub!"

Mark grinned, his favourite part about traveling was the party. Common folk knew fun. He could just imagine the friendly brown eyed giant really letting loose. Rose confirmed Mark's speculation,
"Fine Brent. But just a couple rounds. We have no reason to lose our heads on this quest."

Mark laughed at Brent's down turned expression. He patted the big guy on the back,
"Hey now, we can make restrictions when the time comes!"

Brent smiled excitedly as Mark led the trio into the pub. He set down a gold coin on the bar and whispered to the server, "Keep them coming, especially Red's!"

The first round came and Mark challenged them to a race. Brent eagerly gripped his, awaiting go but Rose shook her head stubborn. Mark winked at Brent and whispered to Rose,
"Technically, you have to obey me!"

She shot him a look of disdain but on her features it just made her look alluring. She gripped her drink too.

The first round passed and the next quickly followed. Mark's companions had no trouble handling a few rounds.

Very shortly he saw Brent look at a man in the corner. Brent dipped down to Rose's height and whispered something looking towards the man. She pulled away with a nervous look about to argue but Brent soon said something and she appeared to relent, nodding her head.

Brent than stretched back to his whole height smiling at her like it was Christmas, then he headed towards the man.

Rose rolled her eyes and downed the next round of drinks. A fun fiddle started and she looked towards the dancing couples. She stood feeling the affects of the last round. She smiled charmingly at Mark,
"Would you like to dance?"

She stood before him in a pretty frock, her riding boots had been replaced with flats earlier and her tidy bun had come undone in such a way that red trendails trailed her face prettily. Her cautious eyes were warmed over, by the ail no doubt.

Mark returned her charming smile, taking her hand.

Soon they joined the wild dancing. Mark had formal training in timing so he was surprised at how gracefully Rose met his time. She melded into his arms. She caught him in her eyes. Mark smiled down at her. There was something about her eyes. He felt he knew her somehow. He loved how she fit to him.

Suddenly a man with dark hair bumped into them, breaking them up. Rose looked at him with narrowed eyes, but soon her expression turned to dread. She seemed to fight with herself momentarily. She looked up at Mark with an honest expression,
"I think I have drunk too much now."

Mark laughed loudly causing the drunken bodies around them to cheer. Mark laughed again at the sound and offered his arm to Rose to lead her off the floor.

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