Chapter 15: To the Of Glitz

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The group had a few drinks and some supper. Rose was burning to know the plan but judging by how loose both men were behaving she realized that they must feel pretty confident. Princess Matilda was having a hell of a time,
"I never get to drink like this! Ah, this is soo fun. Rose, I feel dizzy but like bubbly. So I really don't care!"

Rose laughed, feeling the effects as well. Soon Matilda looked tired so Mark and Brent helped her up the stairs, Rose following.

Matilda entered her room with Rose following,
"I will sleep in the other room. I just wanted to give you some hangover relief herbs and water,"

"Oh, you are too sweet. No wonder the boys love you!"

"I am pretty done with men!"

Matilda giggled,
"Me too!"

"How do you mean?"

Matilda layed back,
"Don't get me wrong. Mark is the perfect Prince Charming now. But when we were little he was never interested with me. I spent all my time with his older brother. Sometimes, I wish he was still my betrothed. We were really good friends."

Rose couldn't help feeling slightly elated,
"Oh sweetie. Mark too feels bad about his brother being forced away from you too. I am not sure if it can be corrected. If it can't I know for sure the Prince will treat you right."

Matilda nodded,
"I just feel bad that his brother will be heart broken."

Rose nodded,
"Heartbreaks are the worse."

"That man tonight. Did he break yours or did you break his?"

"Neither. My sister tricked us both!

But it's ok. I became a better person."

"Yeah, Brent it HOT. And super relatable. He totally loved my Egyptian eyeliner. No other guy even noticed it!"

Rose laughed,
"He is a gem. It's why he is my best friend. I better put him to bed, have a great sleep Princess!"

"You too, thanks for unkidnapping me!"

They both giggled then Rose shut and locked the door. She set protection spells on the room to ensure no harm came to the Princess. Rose wasn't taking any chances.

She walked into the shared bedroom. She walked in and shut the door,
"Is Garth coming back?"

Mark was leaning against the wall on his bed, Brent in the same position across from him. Mark shook his head,
"Nope, went to get laid god knows where!"

Rose smiled widely,
"Thank goodness!" With that she locked all the locks on the door. Brent had proceeded to laying down, his big drunk mass covering the twin bed. Rose was a bit more tipsy than she realized so without thinking she took off her blue dress and sat down in her slip beside Mark.

The trio discussed the plan for tomorrow. Mark was careful not to mention the past to Rose. Something about admitting to her that he knew scared him. In part because it may make her think he saw her for less then she was worth. He wanted her to stay confident with who she was now. He was also worried, though also hoping, that he would start kissing her and never stop if he revealed to her he remembered her as Red.

Brent soon fell asleep. Rose looked at Brent and sighed,
"Can you really get him away from prison?"

"Yes. For sure. I know how much he means to you. I would never leave Brent behind. He is a good man."

Rose smiled sweetly,
"Good. I would hate for Brent to suffer on my behalf. Or lose his life. He doesn't have to help me or my sister. He just does."

Raven and RoseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin