Cursing Stephen

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sorry for more mbmbam related skits BUT...


Daniel: Hey, are you any good at origami?

Hosuh: Hell yeah.

Daniel: I-- Well, don't curse, we're in school...

Stephen: Fuck yeah, FUCK YEAH DUDE

Daniel: Hey, hey I heard that Stephen--

Stephen: Yo this guy's fucking so like-- Is he fucking-- Is Origami Hosuh good at origami?! Dumb fucking question! Think about-- Think about it with your fucking BRAIN.

Daniel: Get out of here Cursing Stephen!

Hosuh: Cursing Stephen's vaping everywhere!


Daniel: I'm trying to talk to Origami Hosuh!

Stephen: OH SHIT, he's folding up my vape fog in the air!

Hosuh: [CHUCKLES, folds the vape fog into danplan merch]

Daniel: Don't curse! I'm gonna send you to the principal's office! Get out of here!

Stephen: [leaves]

Daniel: Now, I'm sorry, Origami Hosuh.

Hosuh: Yeah.

Daniel: I know you're good at origami.

Hosuh: Mhm.

Daniel: Can you fold books into w--

Stephen: [from down the hall] HE'S THE FUCKING BEST AT ORIGAMI, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!


Daniel: I swear to god! Cursing Stephen! I'll call your dad!

. . .

Daniel: Okay, can you fold books in--


Daniel: I'll call your dad! Get to lunch!

Stephen: OKAY

Daniel: It's Taco Tuesday!


Daniel: Now can you fold books into words--?

Hosuh: Only bibles.

Daniel&Stephen: [LAUGHING]


i only made daniel the teacher because of how he's the only danplan member that doesn't curse (at least on camera???) I'M NOT OVER HOSUH SAYING FUCK. IT IS CURSED AUDIO

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