If Danplan Had Groupchats

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which they definitely and obviously do, this is just for title purposes

by the way i tried to base ann and jay's typing style off how they actually type. i do my research. (insert jay and ann's boba conversation from twitter here) also i did my best to replicate dan's typing style im less confident about that though (especially since dan's typing style is all over the place, im using his appearance in stephen's stream chat as references)


danman: Hope everyone is well today! ❤️

danman: And tomorrow!

danman: After that you're on your own

stePHen: is this a fucking threat


slimeking: I'm hungry. What do I eat? :v

hOwOsuh: H

hOwOsuh: I pressed enter on accident

bAnned: Omg hosuh rly said h!!! So controversial!!! Someone lock him uP!!! 😩😩😱😱

bAnned: HahAheHehOhO 😜

hOwOsuh: Oh god don't cancel me on twitter whatever you do 

hOwOsuh: My bones are rattling

slimeking: Drama does not satiate my appetite, fools :v

DAnned: Speaking of bones did you know our bones are always wet?

slimeking: Why did you have to say that when I am hungry.

DAnned: Is that a question or a statement?

slimeking: Fuck you.


hOmOsuh: Why are you two pinging me?

danielplaniel: I don't know, why is your screen name HOMOSUH?

hOmOsuh: WHAT what's wrong with it

hOmOsuh: nvm i see the problem

miri o's: OH DO YA

danielplaniel: I know it's supposed to be like omo but...

hOmOsuh: I just thought since it was owo yesterday it should be omo today but I guess I didn't think this through

danielplaniel: lololol You are a disaster

miri o's: change it before anyone else witnesses your stupidity

jayaya: Yeah........a bit late for that, but yeah........


creeperawwann: Stephen I think u have a problem..

creeperawwann: u like mirio too much

steaphen: oh yeah? i think you like baguettes too much

creeperawwann: IT WAS ONE TIME!!!


creeperawwann: Writing down "hooligann" brb

steaphen: peasant.

creeperawwann: Writing down "peasannt" brb

steaphen: FUCK


damndaniel: HOSUH

hoesuh: I don't have an excuse I just thought it'd be funny


I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT ALL THE SUDDEN READS AND VOTES LAST CHAPTER I'VE ALREADY LOST TRACK OF HOW MUCH IT'S INCREASED BUT THANKS FELLOW GAMERS it's really wild, even the rankings on this now is just. how do you get #1 in literally just a NAME. and a VERY common name at that. shrug emoticon guess i'll keep writing this book

anyway no updates yet but jay and ann's twitter conversations are as cute as always. still not over jay spicing up his tweet for "chaotic individuals :v"

ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE CUTE ICONS REIKENMA'S BEEN MAKING FOR JAY now his twitter icon is a little uhhhh i think it's called a tatsu??? KOTATSU i just googled it, it's called a kotatsu. slime jay is definitely my favorite out of all of them so far though. we love our slime boy.

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