DanUnplanned Skits #1

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aka a collection of random scenarios that occur to me that are also 80% unoriginal i'll comment on each skit on what the source is and a link to it


Daniel: Despite his criminal mind, Stephen is behaving well. His reward is the canoe. This time he can sit in the canoe for up to an hour--

Stephen: [attempting to eat the canoe]

Daniel: NO, STEPHEN! [sprays him with water] BAD!


Daniel: Stephen, look, [holds up those green dental sticks for dogs] It's the good kush!

Stephen: This is the dollar store, how good can it be?


Jay: Dan, you-- Listen, you got any weed on you man? Like since we're here--

Daniel: No! Wh-- You're the only one who smokes weed here, Jay. Except for maybe Stephen.

Jay: Stephen!

Hosuh: Oh... [stares intensely at daniel's green hair]

. . .

Hosuh: Speak for yourself, motherfucker! Your hair IS weed!


Ann: You know those microwave memes? The sound that microwaves make?

Hosuh: Yeah?

Ann: Like mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Hosuh: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Daniel: Oh, are we harmonizing now? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Ann: Stephen, join in our choir! Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Stephen: Uh, yeah, how about fucking no--

[discord user disconnect sound]


Ann: Did someone kick him???

Hosuh: If he's not gonna harmonize, he doesn't get authorized.

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