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Many think that the place 'On the edge of the world' or 'On the edge of the universe' is a cold, dark and desolate place. A lonely place somewhere in the universe, around which one should make better a bow. But the truth was different. It wasn't the earth, by far not, but there was life. In contrast to the globe. It was not possible to see what became of the planet after half of humanity had gone.

Memoria. On the edge of the universe. The threshold to the other realm and the place where the living meet the dead and the dead meet the living. It sounds so much easier than it still seems. Here, too, rules apply and it is not possible to circumvent them. One cannot cheat death.

Connections, no matter in which form, if one exists or 'exists', one of the many thresholds can be crossed. From brother to sister and from fence to customer. Sounds simple too, but it took Jyn weeks to find out the 'simplest' and most obvious way.

But the first person Jyn talked to was not, as you might think, her brother, but Ulysses' claw. She had been a little surprised to see him, because Claw was good at surviving anything and everyone, and again not surprised, because at some point, you meet the wrong person, so it can be over sooner than you think. Jyn had been allowed to experience this for herself. Will people change after their death? Possibly. If this is to be the case, it was not the case with Klaue. Just like in his lifetime and not a bit different. At the first meeting between Klaue, Aaron and her, she didn't know what to think of the weird guy, but soon it became clear, in his 'job', he was more than good. No wonder, then, why Jyn often had to talk to Klaue. Not always cheaper but with him there was at least the certainty that it worked. And now he was dead. A guy from Wakanda, what he didn't know before, but had only learned afterwards, with the name Erik Stevens alias Killmonger had shot him as well as the rest of the troop, when he had to leave the country as soon as possible.

At this point, Jyn should have been pricked up, but she wouldn't, because how could she know that this could also help make contact? Why should it? No one had given her instructions on the rules for the dead.

One day we will meet again. Not too soon. But one fine day. I won't reproach you then and I won't need an explanation, because it was your life, not mine'. And that is exactly what happened. After more than four years, Jyn Brock closed her arms without a word. It didn't matter what had happened during his lifetime, because it only mattered here and now. No matter how strange it sounded, thanks to the fact that her brother was still dead and would continue to be so.

Threshold number two and the point where Jyn could have been pricked up was the connection of the connection. But let's be honest. How could someone please come up with that without help? It was probably Loki's connection or transfer of power thanks to him, why Jyn met Hela. Goddess of Death, Odin's daughter and first-born child, and thus legitimate Queen Asgard, if it still existed.

The dead must want it or allow it themselves and was thus the third species that Jyn had found out so far, whereby there must still be infinitely many more. Nevertheless, there was someone who had already told her a lot, namely Erik Stevens, better said Killmonger, a former US Navy SEAL. What Ulysses didn't know was that Erik's real name was N'Jadaka and he belonged to the royal family of Wakandas.

She couldn't say much about the last person Jyn had met up to that moment, as he hardly came up and was gone immediately. Neither this person, nor a dead person from her environment, knew a connection to the man. In addition, she could not even tell if Kaecilius was dead. The feeling she felt in his presence was different from that of Loki, Brock or Klaue. She had also been able to feel something like this, but not completely, with Hela, but it remained different.

The dead will come to judge.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now