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four years later

The unexpected appearance of Scott Lang resembled a miracle and awakened in Natasha the great hope and thus the very last, the deed of the Titan, to be able to undo it after all the long time. And contrary to Thano's belief that the world would be better after his deed and could then unfold, the humans were more desolate than ever. One could almost say that mankind ruined itself.

In the last five years there was a lot going on and the former Avengers did not exist anymore. Of all six, the original group, Tony was the one who won most by his exit. He may have lost the young Parker, which didn't stop him from living his life. At least everyone would have ever thought that Tony Stark, billionaire and playboy, of all people, would ever settle down, get married and become the father. Which was the complete opposite of what Captain America was like. To deal with the loss himself, Rogers led a self-help group for people who couldn't cope with the loss either. Although the talks were about dealing with what had happened and looking forward, Rogers himself was not in a position to do so. But, with the worst time the thunder god could have experienced, because he probably lost the most of them all. Mother, father and brother as well as his homeland. In the oldest city of Norway, more precisely in Tønsberg, the village 'New Asgard' was founded by Thor. A fishing village where the last surviving arsenic found a new home and settled after the Titan's attack. The second person who lost almost everything besides Thor was Barton. His entire family had disbanded in his presence, and the former family man became a man who killed every criminal he met in a bloody way.

"Why?", for some time now, Rogers wanted to get rid of that question, that is, since Natasha had begun to locate every remaining Avenger, "We don't even know her. All we know is that she was for Thanos and it's of little interest that half the population is gone. We have to accept it, were her words, if I may remind you."

"You're still alive", Natasha replied knowing full well that this was not a matter of course, especially after the last meeting five years ago, "She may have been on Thanos' side at the end, but before that, she stood by Tony.  I remember her saying that she had never found his way for good. For me it means it's worth a try to talk to her. What have we (yet) to lose?"

If it was up to them, nothing, because they lost twice and that in no time at all.

The first attempt to convince one of the former Avengers of their plan failed, and it was the person who was most likely to eliminate Scott's time travel problems who was the most likely to do so. The next person on the list had been Bruce, but Natasha grabbed Steve by the arm on the way back from Tony to the city and told him to turn left at the next traffic light and look for a parking lot at the second intersection.

"So Scott", Natasha began and looked over her seat to the rear, where Scott sat on the back seat and looked at the sign above the entrance of the large building opposite at a loss, "Scott."

"Yes", but Scott's answer revealed that Natasha must have torn him to his thoughts because he had flinched briefly and now began to blink several times, "Yes, I'm listening."

"I'm asking you, Scott, don't do anything stupid", Natasha continued as if nothing had happened and gave Scott an exhausted smile, "Not with her.  And very importantly, no chatter. This can go bad very quickly."

At that moment Scott actually wanted to get rid of the question of what the Russian woman meant by 'going bad', but Rogers and Natasha had long since got out of the car and slammed the door.

Natasha, Scott and Rogers hadn't even crossed half of the foyer of the hotel, but the three had already stopped and watched a woman in a cocktail dress moaning stop, put her head up her neck and look up at the ceiling. Shortly thereafter Jyn shook her head, blowing out the air and went after a dark-haired man who seemed a little angry about her, leaving her standing and going on to the elevator.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon