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None of them spoke a word for the next few minutes until Roger arrived. If Loki hadn't been the reason why the four of them could have forgotten the tesseract now, there would have been another way to get it, but not like this.

"Cap", Tony began, after Rogers jumped off the fire escape of a building and landed on the floor with the scepter in his hand, "We have a problem."

"Tz, yes indeed", Scott added snorting, and was anything but in a good mood, which was extremely rare for him.

"Well, what do we do now?", this was a question Tony and Scott had asked themselves long before Rogers, and yet they had not come up with a solution.

"There's nothing we can do", panting, Jyn pulled her left leg up onto the bonnet and sat down on her foot, "Unless there's another one that doesn't exist. Our stone is gone."

"Wait a minute", it was an attempt to slow things down a bit and get a clear head, if Tony hadn't had a headache, "I just got a Hulk on my head."

"Well, we said we had a shot. That... that was that try", to understand this, they didn't need three Scott, because, it had been clear to everyone beforehand, because this was said over and over again during the planning, so it was clear to everyone, "We blew it. That was it. Six stones or nothing. We fucked up...."

"You're repeating yourself, you know that?", in the state Scott was in right now, Tony could have left out mentioning that, "You're repeating yourself."

"You are repetitive. You repeat yourself", as I said, it was needless to mention since Scott was already in a rage and it became more and more exhausting by the minute, "No, you know what? You were always against the time bouncer. You never wanted the time bouncer."

"I screwed up", not often, better yet never, did Tony Stark admit something, despite all that, Scott had to say again that it was Tony who screwed up, "Oh, did I?"

"Well, it happened", Jyn burst in loudly, because she couldn't stand Scott's yelling any longer, the quarrelling didn't help and she would gladly do without headaches, "It can't be changed any more Scott. Not everything can be planned. It's just the way it is now."

"She's right", Rogers agreed with Jyn on that point, but he was still done, "Do we have any other options on the Tesseract?"

"No, no, no. No other options", Scott babbled on like a waterfall and, underlining his words, slammed the back car door loudly, "No second chances. We're not going anywhere. We only have one particle left. One for each. No more. Clear? If we use this... bye, bye. Let's not come home again."

Nobody would get home if we didn't try, Rogers said. In fact, there was another way to get the tesseract back, and new particles as well, at least Tony was pretty sure of it, and finally he got out of the car. It was interesting that Rogers knew right away what the inventor was talking about and just wanted to know when both were there. This was another one of those things, because Tony's answer, they were there when ic... ...I have an approximate idea, was not convincing if Jyn was to judge this.

"What are you talking about?" Jyn would know the same thing but Scott was far from done asking, "Where, where are we going?"

"I know that they were there", in any case it was about two people, which Tony could have said, or rather, which people Jyn thought were there.

"Who was where", at this point, thank Scott for saying the questions that Jyn also had, "What are we doing?"

"I know that I know." Again Tony passed over Scott and his question of what this will be.

"It looks like we're improvising," Rogers replied to that, which Tony confirmed with a great.

"What are we improvising?", Scott should have slowly noticed or understood that asking did not help.

"Scott. Take this to safety", with these words and without beating about the bush, Rogers handed Scott the golden scepter in his hand, "Now."

"What's in New Jersey?", which Jyn answered with, let it go Scott, as everything bounced off Tony and Rogers.

"Suits. Zero four. Zero seven. One nine seven zero." Tony began typing in and repeating Rogers to make sure they both had the same date, asking again at the end if Tony was sure.

"Cap"? Captain. Steve", you'd think Scott would burst at any moment if he didn't say it right away, "Sorry. America. Rogers. If you do this and it doesn't work, you can't go back."

"Thanks for cheering me up, crybaby", but Tony knew Scott was right about that and it was a good try to cover the nervousness before turning to Rogers, "Do you trust me?"

Supposedly, yes. One of the two people could think of Jyn, namely Pym. Because there was no one else from whom the particle could have been taken. Maybe Zola was number two, because at that time, the HYDRA scientist was working for S.H.I.E.L.D. and so, the tesseract is there as well. Tony had never learned much from Howard himself about S.H.I.E.L.D. and their experiments.


The thought of going back immediately vanished so quickly in Jyn's mind, as soon as Tony and Rogers had disappeared. Actually this one had never been there. There was one thing that interested her. People do not change. They never do. They adapt to circumstances, to circumstances. Stupidity, denial, or lack of interest? One of these points would apply to the old Jyn and therefore, to her now. It did not matter which one it would be, because everyone was bad enough in his own way.

"We should get this thing to safety", Scott shouted after Jyn had slipped off the hood and was about to leave the alley to the left, "So where are you going?

"Don't you want to know", but Jyn turned on her heel and went back to Scott with an outstretched hand, "Shall I take the scepter so you won't feel uncomfortable with it?"

"Uncomfortable?", Scott laughed cautiously, which made Jyn smile, because covering something up was definitely not one of his strengths, "What harm can you do with that? I beg you."

"Anyone you touch with it becomes your puppet", with these words Jyn closed her fingers around the staff and with a mischievous smile took the sceptre off Scott, "See you in ten minutes, maybe fifteen. You'll get it right back, I promise."

"I'd feel better if I came along if this number was absolutely necessary", or in other words, so that in the end nobody could blame Scott because Jyn had plans of her own, "Our job is done. "What are we gonna do if we lose this rock too, just for a detour?"

"Over my cold, finally dead corpse someone would get the idea stone", which would be quite difficult, after all Jyn knew, "Well, come on. Let's go for a ride."

To understand the future, you have to look behind you and understand the past.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now