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Since the 'how' works, only the questions 'when' and 'where' remain to be clarified. Almost every Avenger had to deal with at least one of the six Infinity Stones, but after Rogers Tony corrected this statement a little bit, because everybody was nearly killed by one of the six stones. Well, except for Scott, who said himself that he didn't know exactly what they were all talking about. In the course of history, the stones were already in many places, more precisely, in the history of the Avengers, and because the Pymparticles were only enough for a return trip for everyone, there were not many suitable times to go there, the respective destinations had to be chosen well.

It started with the ether, also known as the reality stone, which Thanos had taken from the collector. Good that Jyn knew this already, because Thor or Rocket's buff was death after Rhodes' judgement. Not responsive, because the god had simply fallen asleep, even if dead, was a rather fitting description for his condition.

"Let's ask Wong", Jyn shrugged and looked into the silence, because who else but Thor, who preferred to sleep or was still alive, could tell them anything else about the stones, "So at that time he told us Tony, Bruce and me, the story of the stones at least, beautifully. All I know is that the collector owned the stone at the end, but whether he's still alive, I can't say. It's where Thanos got the stone."

"According to this, this Collector should be dead", Rogers concludes, which led Jyn to look at him questioningly, because there was no evidence for this assumption, "He also killed Vision to get to the stone by tearing it from his forehead.

"Yes, then things just went badly for you", Jyn countered in sing-sing voice, just because Thano's vision had killed because of the stone, it doesn't mean that Collector is dead or even dead because of him, "He kept the promise he made to us. Spare his life and I'll give you the stone. He kept his deal with Stephen and as we can see, Tony survived the snip and all. How about now, huh?"

"Is Nebula actually the daughter of Thanos now, or is it you?", it had been Rocket who threw this question into the room and caused everyone present except Thor, to look at Jyn, "Because it's really starting to sound like you liked this crazy Titan.

"Indirectly I have a lot to thank him for," Jyn looked at the tabletop in front of her with thoughtful nods and bobbed her two thumbnails, "I can only repeat myself. I don't agree with everything he did, but I understand the why and that is worth a lot in many cases. His first daughter, I think you and Gamora, you never met her, made a lot of things possible for me and she never would have been able to do that if he had never taken her in. Not everything about him was bad, as you claim, and I would have loved to see another ending for him. But when do you get what you wish for? Almost never. Now, can someone please wake Loki's brother or we'll never learn about the red seed of the universe."

The words Thanos had for Jyn also came true. Don't worry child, you'll see what the world will become once I'm done. Though at that moment no one liked to know its meaning. The last words on Titan to her should also come true. You have one more task. Dead men tell more tales, child, than you can possibly imagine. More helpful than any living mortal in the universe. Find your place among the dead and see what is possible. One task, and it would match why Nyx did what she did. So Jyn owed the Titan not only indirectly, but also directly, but since the others wouldn't want to understand it anyway, she preferred to change the subject quickly.


It would probably have been best for all involved if Thor had continued sleeping, because having to listen to him tore all nerves and even more patience. It was sad to watch, extremely exhausting to listen and even worse to follow, but all in all, it was just pathetic and pitiful what this so-called God was trying to do. An ill-humoured lump of mud was the ether at first and not a stone as it was written on the screen, so Thor said it should be corrected and this one should not be called that anymore. After a few eye drops, the god remembered a story about the ether. His grandfather had to hide it from the Dark Elves many years ago. Some very creepy and spooky beings, as they were assured and made understandable as if they were a group of small children.

"I have seen someone being skinned alive", Jyn whispered and had rather talked to himself, "If he thinks some elves are creepy, what would he say to a skinned and bleeding person standing in front of him?

"Right now?", that is, in the state the god of thunder was in, as Rocket asked, "Run away screaming or faint."

Quite possible.

But the low point was reached when Jane Foster came into the picture. An old flame, as Thor described Jane, with her hand stuck in a rock and the ether settling in her body. A parasite, therefore, if Jyn was to describe the ether and not a moping lump of mud. And as it is common for many parasites, they make the host sick, just like Jane, and so Thor brought her to Asgard, where he came from, and he introduced her to his mother, who is dead, though. Besides, they weren't together any more either. A round of sympathy.

Better late than never, Tony came forward and ended these Fars, but the God's last words before he had a Bloody Mary instead of eggs and a proper breakfast to help sober up were that nothing is more constant than impermanence.

What did this remind Jyn of? Ah, right. The words of the star jerk. "Remember I'm half human. That means my 50% who are stupid are 100% with you.


At lunch Rocket told that Quill is said to have stolen the power stone from Morag. Not a person, as it sounded to Banner, but a planet and that Quill was the person.

"One, one... a planet?", that's right, Scott had been the only one of them who wasn't in space or really in contact with other planets, so it was amusing to see Rocket take it, "Really in space?"

"Oh, look. He's like a little puppy, so curious and naive," and Rocket began treating Scott like a puppy and patting his head, "Do you want to go into space? Do you want to go into space, Woofy? I'll take you to outer space."

The experience was nice but absolutely necessary. It wasn't that great up there.


The soul stone was "found" by Thanos on Vormir, as Nebula told, Jyn was allowed to see one and since Natasha was busy taking notes on everything, the redhead naturally wanted to know exactly what Vormir was. A realm of death. In the middle of the Celestial Existence. It was in this very spot that Thanos had murdered Gamora. Afterwards silence reigned, which was understandable for everyone but one person.

"How can you be so sure?", but Jyn glanced at Nebula, then at the floor below the screen and merely folded her arms over her thighs, "That he had murdered her."

"Jyn", Tony responded as if Jyn had forgotten something essential to tell and took a break, in which she started to bite her left cheek and move her body back and forth to rockers, "Jyn..... Jyn."

"All right", a good minute, if not two or three, it had taken Jyn to answer, her eyes squinting as if it was hard for her and she struggled with herself to say the next words out loud and finally breathed out audibly, "Yes, he killed her."

Not what the genius wanted to hear, especially since he had underestimated the whole situation, with and around Jyn, a little bit, as it looked like and was just made clear.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now