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Pain and darkness. It was not the same pain that Jyn had suffered from the meeting with Maw, because this one was much worse.

Panting, Jyn bent over on her back, felt a lot of rubble, sharp chunks and metal parts and saw in the blurred corner of her eye how a bluish figure went to a seated person. Not just any blue figure, as she could see after a few more minutes of lying there, but Nebula talking to Thanos.

Impossible, and yet the Titan in his golden armour sat down on a stone, a double-edged sword had been rammed into the ground beside him, and his helmet was placed on the upper blade. How could the Titan be alive? Jyn had seen with her own eyes how Thor had cut off his head. No resurrection this time. Impossible but not unthinkable.

Groaning and hissing, Jyn lifted himself out of the dirt; waited until the dizziness was half gone and then slowly approached the Titan who didn't move a millimeter and only turned his head slightly when footsteps could be heard.

"Mighty Thanos", with cracking bones Jyn went, as well as her body allowed it at the moment and Nebula once did, to her knees; bowed before the Titan and held her head down for the time being, not knowing what his reaction would be, "I assure you, Nebula will fail this time as well.

"The child who stood on the side of my future self", Thanos replied, causing Jyn to raise her head and look at her face, as this was a good sign, "Why do you think my daughter will fail?"

"How many times has she disappointed you? To be enough", Jyn replied, although she didn't even know what Nebula and Thanos had talked about a few minutes before, "Again and again, as I learned, and such things will hardly change."

Hardly and this was enough for Thanos, so his next words were exactly the same as for Nebula, namely that Jyn should bring him the stones. He did not care at all who brought him the stones, since he was only interested in them.


You mess with time, she fights back. You'll see.

When Tony finally managed to free himself from all the debris and picked up Rogers on his way out, Thor was already standing in front of the last standing remains of the headquarters, watching the Titan.

"What did he do?", at the sight of the Titan, Tony already assumed the worst, alone, because Thanos kept sitting on his stone and playing with smaller stones to pass the time of waiting.

"Absolutely nothing", replied the thunder god without letting Thanos out of his sight for even a fraction of a second, "Someone got down on their knees before him for that."

"Who could possibly do that voluntarily", Rogers wanted to know, but Tony already closed his eyes panting, because he knew the answer long ago, which didn't go unnoticed, "Tony?"

"Who do you think would do that, huh?", as if it wasn't obvious enough who this could be, "We have only one person among us, who stood on the side of that one right to the end even beyond his death."

"Where are the stones?", after the attack, they could be anywhere, and as Rogers asked, it was important to know where they were.

"They're somewhere under here", rather buried and buried, so that no one could get to the Infinity Stones, rather than the possibility that anyone could get to them, including Thanos, which Tony was happy to accept in this respect, "I only know that he doesn't have them.... fucking shit."

And so it should remain, but, Tony assumed very strongly, Jyn was now working on finding them and bringing them to the Titan afterwards. She was definitely beyond help. Besides, it was clear that there would be nothing, come what may, that would prevent her from being on the side of the Titan. What else could possibly go wrong? The rest of the team continued to assume that the former journalist was on their side and therefore it should be easy to get to the stones, if it was possible at all.

Apart from that, which was bad enough, this was probably a trap, as Thor said, which Tony didn't care much about, and on this point the three primary rocks agreed. This time the Titan was to be killed properly.

"You could not live with your failure. And where did it get you? Back to me I thought if I took half of all life, the other half would flourish, but you showed me that was impossible And as long as there are those who remember what was, there will always be those who are unable to accept what can be. They will rebel," which was because there were stubborn people, as Tony Thanos then explained, "Yes, and I am grateful, because now I know what I have to do. I will shred this universe to the last atom. And then, with the stones that you have collected for me, create a new one. brimming with life, not knowing what it has lost, but only what has been given. A grateful universe."

Created from blood that no one knows because no one was alive to tell it.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora