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Back in the here and now Jyn looked as far as possible at the metal floor and didn't look to the right or left of the round but meandered straight past all the people involved. Soon enough she would find out who had to give his life for the soul stone. An exchange. A life for that of many.

Jyn hadn't even been able to leave the huge hall, there was already an enormous clattering sound which made her stop and close her eyes at once. Any moment, any moment, someone would shout her name. She did not want to have this conversation, at least not yet. Seconds went by in which she just stayed in place, just waiting to hear her name. But it did not happen. It remained silent in the hall.


You cannot change the past,
only learn from it.

Jyn sat restlessly on the sofa, elbows resting on her thighs, fingers interlocked in front of her mouth, feverishly thinking about what the trip to New York would have brought her. What did you learn? What experience do you take with you? Over and over again, over and over again, from beginning to end, she let the past happen, but there was nothing. At some point, she must have forgotten or overlooked a detail.

Completely calm and introverted Scott sat down opposite Jyn and was about to open her mouth, but she shook her head because she didn't want to know. What had happened, had happened and sooner or later she would find out anyway, because it was inevitable, unavoidable, not to know.

"When I wanted to talk to Natasha about it, so that we both could go to Vormir after all, she knew something", it was Scott's hearing that the death of Natasha, although they had not known each other for long, took him away, "She said the following: 'There is only one thing in her life that she really wants and will never get. Find the root of all evil and you understand why a person has become who he is. Go with her to New York whether she wants to or not. If we already have the chance to get the stones from the past, then it is also possible to finish with her. She can finish the most important things in her life there and part for the better, which she was never given the chance to do. It may not be peace, as you wanted, but it's closure. Get some closure.' It has defined your future long enough."

"Live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Learn to live as if you're going to live forever," too simple, for Jyn's taste, as she went on Natasha and Scott's words, "You can't say goodbye to a dead man. I couldn't say goodbye to my brother, merely to a version of him that he once was. One that didn't bear the woe of Washington and go through all the events that followed. This Brock will have a jyn to stand by his side, do anything for him and ultimately break.... but she will have two years left with him. But to show her what life thinks of her, she has to sit at the notary shortly after his death, sign the divorce papers, because the year of separation has been reduced to half and make a good face into a bad one. Did you really believe that with one single meeting, the last eight years of my life would just disappear or get better? Life is not a fairy tale, it's a horror story, and there are no happy endings in it."

There was this idea of bringing together a group of extraordinary people We wanted to create something big so that we could fight the battles that were too big for them, if necessary.

Extraordinary people. That's all anyone wants to know. Nobody cares about the real story behind these people. Why did Tony Stark become Iron Man? The world doesn't care that it was about his survival. Desperate need. And so it goes with everyone else. Thor, Bruce, Clint.... Rogers falls out because his story, made him a hero. With everyone else, unimportant.

outside, at the same time

In front of the Avengers' headquarters there was a lake where Tony, Rogers, Thor, Bruce and Clint settled down to deal with the death of Natasha. The loss of her long-time friend may have affected two people in particular, namely Clint and Rogers. From Rogers the group learned that Natasha's only family were the Avengers, after Tony wanted to know this.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now