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Being in 'free' fall in the quantum universe was like a roller coaster ride without any safety precautions. A roller coaster ride that was over within a minute. You didn't notice anything that was going on around you. At that moment, they were all still on solid ground at the Avenger headquarters; then, as if on a vertical water slide, they fell into nothingness and shortly afterwards, they reappeared in some side alley. Time travel was incredibly spectacular.

So this was New York at the time of the attack, when Loki raged through the city with the Chitaurie army. Nice. This was more than a decade ago. Alone in it was to see how fast time passes and the older you get, the faster it seems to you. It's New Year's Eve and Christmas is just around the corner again.

"Good. Everyone has his job", obviously Rogers didn't want to waste any time and immediately went over to the plan, "Two stones uptown, one downtown. Stay down. Watch the time."

No sooner said than a deafening roar was heard and the Hulk, as Jyn remembered him, landed in front of them on the main street, where the Hulk, with a dented car, struck a scattered alien again and again. It may be that a second alien being came along, but at the sight of the Hulk and how he killed his comrade-in-arms, the alien quickly ran away.

"Okay", it took Jyn away, because the situation took on strange, if not crazy characteristics, and was beyond her imagination, "That's quite normal. In Mexico I got part of my parietal bone shot off but compared to that, is this, almost everyday ...? Yeah, whatever."

The primary goal was to avoid attracting attention, so it might make sense, as Rogers thought, if Bruce hit something on his way every now and then, but the scientist was not convinced that this would do anything.

"Ad tempus concessa post tempus censetur denegata", eager to witness this day, one day after all, Jyn had never been, and it was to be hoped that everything went according to plan, whereby Rogers, thanks to her words, now looked to her, "What is granted for time is automatically denied when time runs out."

"Important objection, we'd better get going", and the Iron Man armor spread over Tony's body while Jyn chased a flying chitaurie and only then looked at him and said, "Hey, don't listen to me. You wouldn't be here if I didn't trust you."

Of course I would. This was 'nice' to know, but it didn't change the fact that Tony had made this announcement less than an hour ago and put the matter into perspective with his present words, so Jyn looked up at the blue ray of light in the sky, towards which Tony was flying with miniature Scott.

After a fleeting, circling movement with his hand; a black rushing hole appeared a few metres away and Jyn looked over his shoulder, but Rogers had long since left on foot.

"You serious? You really want to walk", head-shaking Jyn waved Rogers back with index and middle finger and followed her, "We won't reappear in Stark Tower but I certainly won't run if there's a faster way."


One street away from the Stark Tower, Jyn leaned against the wall of a house, her arms crossed in front of her chest, but there was nothing to see. As soon as the light of the Tesseract goes out, get into position. But for the moment, the portal was still open and one Chitaurie after the other came to earth. Wait, just wait.

"When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living being call: "Come. Then another horse appeared; it was fire-red. And he who sat on him was empowered to take peace from the earth so that men might slaughter one another. And a great sword was given to him", not quite completely, but for Jyn the first and third parts were not important, because it did not fit what was going on here, "When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living being calling: "Come. Then I saw a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was Death; and the underworld followed with him. And unto them was given power over a fourth of the earth, power to kill by sword, and by famine, and by death, and by the beasts of the earth."

"The Apocalypse looks different", but for Rogers, for the people of New York, it must have been very close to the Apocalypse, "You can quote the horsemen of the Apocalypse, why? How does someone like you become a believer?"

"I'm not. I wasn't. And I never will be", whatever can happen; it must happen and yet Jyn would not begin to believe in an unknown power that called itself God, "I was told to read certain chapters and was told, he said, I have to read it. He was interested in understanding our values. No one, really no one, came up with the idea of contradicting him and I have never met a person to whom, by everyone without exception, this kind of respect was paid, as was the case with him. Not faith, but simply rules that are there to help us do what we do."

And from years of experience of how this world works and how it runs, rules were created. For the benefit of both sides.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now