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The evening was just around the corner to color the sky orange after Scott had finished his theory of traveling across the quantum universe into the past to get to the six Infinity Stones. It was nice to see the enthusiasm with which Scott spoke of this idea, but in the end, it was nothing more than wishful thinking. The world is getting crazier every year, that's true, then the question arises, where does it end? Most probably right here. With time travel. And so this was their sign to leave.

A painful expression gradually spread to Jyn's face as she followed Aaron through the almost empty hall, approaching the exit and slowing down halfway. Once. Only once. Aaron's words, where she would stay, produced an equally painful smile as he looked over his shoulder, noticing that she had stopped completely.

"Nothing happens without a reason, and I think I know the one why Nyx gave me a second chance," at least roughly, which didn't make the fact that Jyn was still not convinced about the time travel any better, "I know what about one of the stones, what the others don't know, and if Tony actually manages to solve the problem, I'll do what I haven't been able to do so far. How good it is that he is looking for a way at this moment, how or if it is even possible to move in this quantum universe, because it just won't let him calm down".

"And how do you know...?", but Jyn picked up her smartphone, which had a photo of a simulation on its screen, making Aaron's question superfluous, "That was obvious. Good. I've known you too long to know this won't end well."

"This just, is the warm-up phase just before Superbowl," at least those were her words on Titan, so Jyn Aaron put her hands on his cheeks, pressed a fleeting kiss on his lips and looked at him with wet eyes, "Some things get under his skin and we both know what I'm talking about. I still hear his words, but at this moment they are as clear as they can be. Just like then. Some things do not let you go."

Some say to believe in some kind of destiny is to deny free will, that even destiny is powerless against fate. But the truth is that we can only control that part of destiny that we have predestined for other people.


Frowning, Natasha Scott looked at him, standing in the hallway with half empty water bottles, and followed his gaze through the glass pane, because he had said something about the two not fitting together. One could think whatever one wanted of her ex, but he had at least never intentionally killed people, Scott continued without having made sure that redheads or anyone else listened to him. Pretty curious but instead the former agent replied that some people are drifting apart over time and that it was nothing ordinary as he might know himself, because Scott was so interested in it burning that she didn't believe that Aaron and Jyn were together because they were more connected and something completely different. The last words, however, before Scott made the final preparations for tomorrow and more yapped into his bottle, were that he wasn't her type either.


In seclusion, in one of the many empty conference rooms on the first floor, Jyn lay on a couch, as did one of the high-tech tablets in her lap, staring incessantly at the glass pane in front of her, on which an eight-digit series of numbers was written. No less important was the fact that it was equated with another number. Unfortunately, she could forget about probability calculus. She had tried, but without a starting point or endpoint and the whole variable plus the unknown variable, this was impossible. Impossible, like everything about this plan.

"I hope this can wipe away again", at the sight of the numbers Scott put his hands in his pocket and began to think without coming to a result, "As it stands, it doesn't make sense."

"Should...", but when I looked it up, I noticed that the marker Jyn turned between her fingers was a normal marker and no one to remove, "..... or not. Fuck it. I'm sure Tony can get a new disc."

"If it had been me, it would have been said that it was typical again", which probably might have been true, because Scott belonged to those people who like to put their foot in many a fat person, "Is that a number or a code at all?

"Possibilities", with too many ways and branches, which Jyn had started to record in the way, 'what if?' and 'if this or that arrives or doesn't arrive', but finally she had discarded the drawing on the tablet again, "What can I do for you Scott? You want to get rid of something, so get rid of it."

"Right now there's not much one of us can do," yet nothing changed that Scott had pulled up a chair, sat down and started kneading his hands, "Sister, ex-wife and reporter, that was then, but what about today? You have hardly found God, if you can believe Nat's words. You'd think if you could hear you talking compared to before, and the tattoo on your shoulder would suggest that, too. From a logical and rational thinking person who now believes in a higher power? Probably less so."

"Hundreds of deaths over the last six years, now paving my way. There is nothing with God. It is far more than the most expensive and lucrative fairy tale on earth", after a long exhausted breath, Jyn pulled her legs to her body and sat cross-legged, where she took one last look at the window and then to Scott, "'Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.' Not the words of God. 'I know what it's like to lose. This desperate feeling of being right. And yet to fail. It is frightening. The knees become soft. But I ask you: What good is that? Fear it. Run from it. Yet fate catches up with you. And now it is here. Or should I say, I am here?' Thano's words. He hasn't been the monster, besides everyone makes him here. For a long time the greatest threat to humanity was man himself. Then, at some point, a man with nuclear weapons. We had Ultron who wanted mankind to develop into something better. To their better self. A good goal, which unfortunately ended in that it would never happen and Ultron only saw a way out. The extinction. Good goal, bad way. With Thanos it was similar. His goal was that all life in the universe could unfold. Without hunger, without suffering. Good goal, bad way there. Everyone sees only the bad, but in truth, there is so much more behind it. Sometimes the truth is just hard to bear. But the truth is that fate wanted Thanos to get all Infinity stones and flick them with his fingers. It was predestined. The environment, the animals and the earth itself are better off. People just don't want to look ahead and go on. You believe in something that lies beyond all logic and put all your hope into it. The thing about fate, however, is that you do not know until it arrives what awaits you. You can live your life in peace until it happens and beyond without having to worry about it. It is not a prophecy that tells you this or that will happen in a year. So why do you hope for the impossible?

"So it should be clear that Strange may have laid the foundation stone for your new self, but all those who followed have added a pile of false stones. With all the evil and bad in a person and his deeds, you still find something good, if you can call it good. Maybe you are not wrong with everything, no idea, who knows, but for most people your point of view is very difficult to understand", not the first time that Jyn gets to hear this and it will certainly not be the last time, "Trust Jyn. A little bit at least. If you already believe in fate, then at least have the confidence that this can be our chance to get everyone back. Why is that so hard for you? You never know what awaits you until it arrives. When Pym made me the new Ant-Man, I also couldn't know that I was learning to love Hope; after an incident in Frankfurt, I was grounded for two years and would miss five years in my daughter's life. I may doubt that fate was. You'll see for yourself tomorrow that it works. And your fourteen million six hundred and five to one on the wall you don't need anymore. Numbers and equations are not always the solution to all our problems."

If it were mathematics at its core. 14.000.605 = 1. No real equation, no code. They were possibilities. And once it would work out.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now