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As it was the case with Brock and their unexpected meeting, Tony was just as surprised to find Jyn here of all places. On the other hand, she was a journalist, Tony said at the same time, so it was not too surprising to meet her here.

Thanks to Loki's disappearance and the tesseract, a state of emergency was declared and every available unit or person was to search for the God and the stone. All right. If Loki was indeed in possession of the stone, it was guaranteed to remain on Earth. You could say a lot of things about Thor's brother, but he was definitely not stupid. The probability of being found was ninety percent or more if the god stayed on earth.

"Go to the hospital", but Tony turned down Jyn's advice for the umpteenth time and would continue to do so, no matter how badly he felt, "You may be a genius when it comes to invention and physics, but you don't know how this thing affects your body. It can't go on forever."

"Yes, it can", the inventor replied, whereupon Jyn tilted his head to one side and looked at him with a sobering look, "For four years now this has been a part of me and I'm in perfect health. So you don't need to get the idea to make an appointment with your would-be doctor to talk about a future without the reactor. It works, and as long as it works, why change anything?"

Because it works without the arc reactor, as Jyn and everyone else knew, because, in a not too near future, pretty much next year, Tony would decide to have the shrapnel finally removed.


Contrary to what Jyn believed, it had not gone according to plan. When they arrived at the meeting place, in the back alley, where the quantum universe had spat them all out; Tony and Scott were sitting in a car and didn't exchange a single word with each other, just looked grumpy. What a terrific atmosphere.

"What happened", Jyn asked with a certain undertone, which already let assume that she knew or suspected long ago, based on how Tony and Scott looked at it, that it wouldn't go as planned, "Then I'll ask differently. What didn't happen?"

"What didn't happen? What didn't happen", Scott began to repeat Jyn's question several times and was about to get into a rage, "Some things did NOT happen.

"Okay", extremely slowly, Jyn turned away from Scott, because she didn't want to upset him even more with another question, and moved closer to Tony in the driver's seat, "You got the stone and not Loki, as everyone thinks. Right?"

"Not right," Scott answered Jyn's question before Tony was able to, and it was assumed that if he kept on like this, he would start hyperventilating at any moment, "We had it. The case. With the stone. But then someone had to lose it."

"I want to see you when you stand at the door that the Hulk is about to push out at any moment," Tony replied snappishly, hoping Scott would finally give it a rest now, "

Breathing heavily, Jyn crouched down, crossed her arms on the edge of the driver's door, whose windows were at the bottom, and let her head hang. The room stone was gone and who knows where the hell. One try. Now it was no longer of interest and concern whether the others got to the respective infinity stones, because five of six didn't work. Five of six may sound good, but it wasn't. Worse than everything else, however, was one thing. One single thing, which it would not have needed.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now