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A happy ending. But what's a happy ending? In a fairy tale it is when the princess gets her prince; both live happily ever after and the evil is brought to justice. But what does that actually mean? Will the witch or the Evil Queen be put on trial according to the story? How can a couple who hardly know each other be happy together for the rest of their lives, without quarrelling, when couples who know each other for years before they get married divorce each other after only a few years because they can't stand the other anymore. It is similar with "He ruled wisely and justly over his country". What does Wise and Righteous mean? Was there a new system of rule in which the citizens had something like the right to vote; were the citizens' taxes from now on calculated according to their income or was there the first form of health insurance?

It is all well and good to end a story, but does that not raise new questions? For most people this may be a satisfactory ending, but there will be people for whom it is not a happy ending because it raises more questions. It's easy to write because it's just a story. No more than fantasy and the idea that good will always triumph over evil.

But real life looks different. There isn't always everything wise and just. Murderers go free because of expired deadlines, even though the murder can be clearly proven to them. A lot of people need three jobs to even afford health insurance. Despite the progress made, there are still countries where there is a dictatorship. The penalties against poachers and hunters who kill elephants and rhinos for their tusks and horns are too low, in contrast to what the trade brings them. Domestic violence, whether against the partner or the children, is completely irrelevant in this case.


Pepper could not have chosen a better symbol of Tony's farewell. An arc reactor, which Tony needed for his life since his hostage-taking, as he always believed, and only after the fight against the Mandarin, decided to have the shrapnel removed, because he realized that he didn't need the reactor at all.

At the very back, in the very last row, far away from all those present and from his eyes, Jyn wanted to watch the inventor's symbolic farewell after Tony's video message, but on the way out, Rhodes took her by the arm and thus gave her, not at all, the opportunity to leave.

Standing there on the jetty, knowing Rogers is right behind her and behind her, all the other Avengers and allies against Thanos and his army, was exactly the point why Jyn didn't want to come. This is how you make enemies when you stand by your convictions and the whole world is against it.


Much was said, but just as much remained unsaid. You only realize how important some things are when it's too late. But before then, one thing does not seem important enough and seems too obvious.

"This one I'm supposed to give you", these were the first words Happy said to her today and she handed an envelope to Jyn who let her eyes wander over the lake and watched the funeral wreath drift away slowly, "I told him to do it himself when it was over."

"But then he wouldn't need the letter anymore", it was the attempt to get a smile off her face and at the sight of the name on the envelope Jyn nodded to two men, "Wrong person Happy. This one is there."

"It's all right", Happy said, shaking his head, Jyn took the letter and looked at the lake again when he opened it, "He only gave me this one letter and his words were that I should give it to you."

"Interestingly enough, my name is not Strange", not for a long time now, but the ulterior motive should be clear, what Tony's intention was behind it and what purpose it was to serve, to write Strange instead of Jyn on the envelope, "You know what it says in there?:

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now