38. Nightmare

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((Hey guys!!! how are you doing. So I'm not getting any commets but I thought of finishing the work I ihave already started... well, we are almost at the end of this lovely story. I'm glad to meet my lovely fans. I never thought people will read my book. But thanks for your time and love.

it's not over yet so don't worry, this isn't my thank you speech!!! Happy reading... Enjoy this long chapter...))

On that day Ruth saw a strange dream.

She was floating on a lovely turquoise color sea in her yellow bathing suite. The golden color sand is blinking like stars. It’s a sunny day, but she’s not feeling warm. The beach is deserted. She can hear a slow music playing far corner on the beach, but there’s no house or any kind of a building nearby. The sky is like a painting with such colorful paintings.

Suddenly she heard someone’s calling for her. The voice is full of love and kindness. She turned around to look for the owner of this voice, but there’s no one to be seen. Ruth got back to her previous position, but then again somebody’s calling her name. But this time she recognized the voice. The moment she recognized it, the setting changed and she’s in her home in LA.


She was lying on the front couch, but Harry’s there too. She’s keeping her head on his lap and he’s moving his fingers around her face to feel the softness. She felt calm. They are back together. And he’s with her. Harry smiled at her and bends down to kiss her forehead. Ruth closed her eyes to feel his lips. That small wait made her uneasy. They were away from each other for a long time and now they are here.

She felt a bit strange because her waiting is getting longer. She opened her eyes, but there’s no Harry. No house. She’s standing and her surroundings is pitch black. Her breathing got shorter. She couldn’t breathe nor can she move. Ruth screamed for help but audibility has gone too. She tried again. And this time she managed it for some extend.

There’s Harry, running towards her to help, but each step of his made the path gets longer. It’s like he’s trying to catch an obstacle. The tears were already sliding through Ruth’s cheeks. She knew for a certain that he cannot save her. She’s struggling to breath, but it’s in vain. Her eyes start to drown and she saw Harry’s staring at her helplessly. His eyes were red because of the crying. She smiled weakly to say one last goodbye. Her eyes closed.

‘My daughter, I still love you. And you can’t leave your mother like this. Come to me child.’

She was covered with sweat. The nightmare’s finally over. She woke up with a scream and stared at the wall picture in front of her bed. Her bedside lamp was still on. She wanted her mother to be here for a long time, but her illness made it postponed. But she determined to bring her to London because she knew this will be her last chance.

The next day Ruth called Zoe, who’s still in India to make arrangements to fly to Ruth’s homeland. Zoe’s work is almost done and they are planning to return back within a few days. Because Ruth was prohibited to fly, she asked Zoe to bring her mother with them. Ruth called her mother that afternoon and made preparations for her. First, she didn’t want to fly to London, but after her daughter insisted she agreed. Ruth’s mom still doesn’t know her daughter’s sickness. But she will find out once she sees her daughter.

After all the work, Ruth tries to call Harry but his phone was switched off. She checks the concert dates and found out they were in a middle of a concert. She made a mind memo to call him after midnight and went to the kitchen to make a short dinner only for her.

The day’s went by with hurt, physical pain and medications. Ruth couldn’t stop her medications because the pain's getting worse by the day. She couldn’t talk to Harry because of their tight schedule. They are still not open as they were before, but these little chit chats are improving their bond.

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