40. Ruth & Harry

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Song for this chapter

When I look at you - Miley Cyrus (You have to listen to it)

'No. I'm fine without it.' That's Ruth's reply to Dr. David's question. She went for her weekly checkups and the doctor wants her to try chemo treatments, because her condition seems getting worse day by day. If she doesn't enter for chemo treatments by now it'll be too late. But her argument is, someday the death will come to her so why go on with such treatments. She will continue taking the pills, but no chemo. Ruth wants to spend her life so simple. Her mother is not happy with the decision but its Ruth's life. She can make any decision she wants.

The autumn is almost over. The surrounding is covered with yellow and brown colors. There's no sign of new life. The cold breeze gashes the heart and soul and hovers away like nothing happened. Ruth went for a walk to clear her mind. She has cut her hair short and she looks younger. She wore a baggy denim and a normal black t-shirt. The red overcoat kept her warm. She had one of Harry's beanie's with her so she wore it. The road is not heavily crowded, but it became empty when she entered into a lane full of trees. Harry and Niall both have sent her mails and chat invitations, but she ignored them all. She wanted to talk to Niall but then it will lead her to Harry. Zayn and Liam sent some mails too, but those were just to say hi and some crazy photos of Harry and them. Ruth resigned from her job because it's too tiring. The people gave a special party for her. They still call her and visit her when they can. What Ruth saw in their eyes was the sympathy. She didn't want anyone to be sympathetic towards her and the only people who really laughed for real joy are Zoe and her mom. These quiet walks gave her happiness as well. She loves to walk alone. Ruth loves to have arguments with her mind and find solutions by her own. Her lonely walks helped her to see things and understand the world. But she didn't know this walk will be her last.

The headaches and the vomiting got worse and she was admitted in the hospital. Ruth's mom stayed with her and helped Ruth to be strong. It's hard for a mom to see her child in pain, but she bundled up her emotions for the sake of her daughter's comfort. Ruth is glad to see Zoe's there for her mother. She helped Ruth's mom like her own mother. One night' after Zoe sent mom home, Ruth asked her to sit beside her.

'Zoe, I know you are busy with your work, but you came to help my mom. I don't have words to thank you buddy.'

Zoe hold Ruth's hand and patted gently because they are so weak. Ruth's lying on the bed and she doesn't have the strength to move or talk.

'Ruth, I still remember the day we met. Actually, I met Niall first. Remember him staring at me?!' They both laughed remembering the day that Niall flirted around her.

'You were happy with Harry and you were like an angle. And you still do. You brought me to this state. And I can never forget what you did for me. You are like my sister and your mom, she's my mother too.' Zoe kissed Ruth's forehead.

Ruth stared at Zoe for a while and said 'Please look after my mother Zoe. She doesn't have anyone in this world. Harry doesn't even know she's here and please... don't tell them. I don't want to ruin their lives.'

'You never ruined anyone's life Ruth. You are the reason for their happiness. Don't think like that. And... Niall called me and said you didn't answer any of their calls. What are you doing?!'

Ruth knew her plans had worked. 'Let it be like that. Don't tell them. They will forget about me eventually.'

Zoe wanted to explain, but then Ruth refused to listen or talk. She wanted to sleep. That's when Zoe decided that she needs to do something.

'WHAT?! Are you dreaming or something?! HELLOO!??!' Niall couldn't believe what he was hearing. Zoe called him to tell the situation. He was in the middle of a rehearsal, but when he saw the caller's name he went to the backstage and answered.

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