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oomf said she reSPeCTs lgbtq+ but finds same sex marriage disappointing, everyone say stream the night by jin.

Also check out a oneshot i published called maleficent :>>>

Taehyung and Jungkook were in different cars that afternoon, and Jungkook immediately fell anxious when he saw what was in front of him—the white house.

He was cuffed and was forced by a big man to go outside the car and spotted the devil himself.

The familiar man goes near him and he cries. "Please stop hunting me" He says, almost sounding like a begging whisper and the man laughs. "Not until I get a taste of you, little one" He says and Jungkook almost cries in disgust but just used his feet to kick the man on his knees, causing the bigger men to grip on him making him cry in hurt.

"Wh-where's Taehyung?" He says and the older man laughs. "Oh, Taehyung. Of course, he's one of my little pets, he's gonna give a public speech today about handing you to me" He smiles and Jungkook with pure hope, just closed his eyes and prayed that Taehyung wouldn't give him away.


"Today, we have Mr. Kim, from Stark Industries to make a speech about the life he rescued, a frozen body for over 200 years" The news reporter said and the camera panned to Taehyung who was in front of the press now.

Taehyung had a taser attached to his neck, Mr. Park's little way of controlling the people that were wrapped around his little finger.

"I didn't know I would be working with the government at first, but then
my brother called, which was shocking because y'know, he only calls his appointments, if you know what I mean" Taehyung started to joke and the press starts laughing, but then they brought Jungkook in, staring at Taehyung with a dizzy smile, clearly drugged making him look away and clear his throat.

Some of the cameras panned to Jungkook who was sat down behind Taehyung.

"This is Jeon Jungkook, born in 1797 and died freezing in 1818, today, he was recovered by a procedure I responsibly did on him" Taehyung reads out what was on the paper, gulping, and the press started to make a chaotic noise.

"A few corrected bones, and a new lung" He says.

"And from this day forward- I'll- I-um" He stutters out, he couldn't give Jungkook away, not when the younger  trusted him that he wouldn't.

A part of him didn't care, he only met Jungkook anyways, and the kid was weird too, but his weirdness he grew to be fond of, and he couldn't take his eyes off him, so he closed his eyes and gulped.

"And from this day forward, I take responsibility to take care of Jeon Jungkook" He says and the press stands up, already racing their questions, hoping that Taehyung would answer them but he walked away, grabbing Jungkook with him.

Before he could walk away the governor stopped them, with a nervous chuckle. "What's going on?" He asks Taehyung who glares at him.

"Dare stop me and I'll tell them what you did to your own daughter" Taehyung groaned and Jungkook whimpered against his touch as the governor froze making the get away.

The guards didn't touch them as Taehyung carried Jungkook bridal style. "T-taehyung, d-don't feel so good" He says and passes out on Taehyung's arms.

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