Another Day Another Migraine

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Bakugou groaned, realizing he broke his alarm clock once again. Mitsuki, hearing the crashing, immediately snapped. "KATSUKI STOP THROWING THINGS YOU ANNOYING BRAT!!!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes, and stretched. "Yeah yeah you hag!!" He yelled back, as he got out of his bed and went to his bathroom to get ready for another dreadful day.


Bakugou made his way out the door and to UA. As he walked up the steps to UA, he heard an all too familiar voice. "Bakubro! Wait up!" Kirishima said as he put a hand on Bakugou's shoulder. "Tch. Shitty hair." Bakugou said as he shook the other's hand away and made his way to class 1-A.

Kirishima opened the door for him, receiving a grunt. Bakugou turned to immediately see Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida talking. "Stupid deku, just the sight of him makes me sick." Bakugou mumbled as he went to his seat. 

"Hey Bakugou! Kirishima!" Sero and Mina said in unison. "Oh great, more idiots." He put his hand up as they walked over. "Hey guys!" Kiri said happily.

"Where's dunce face?" Bakugou questioned looking around them. "He's over there with Mineta." Sero said as he grimaced. Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Of course, those perverts." Sero and Kirishima chuckled.

"Hey Bakugou? There's a rumor that you like someone in our class~." Mina said laughing. Bakugou glared at her in anger and confusion. "Hah? The hell are you talking about Pinky?"

"Alright class, take your seats in less than 1 second or you're expelled."

The others look at Aizawa like he was crazy. Midoriya raised his hand, though he was already in his seat. "Um..Mr. Aizawa? That would be impossible for everyone to make it to their seats within a second. Even Iida wouldn't be able to do so."

Iida nodded. "I agree with Midoriya. It can also cause a hazardous environment for those around me and-"

"Oh shut the hell up and sit down four eyes!" 

Bakugou yelled, making Iida shut his mouth. Aizawa sighed in agony. "For once I agree with Bakugou. Slightly. Take a seat Tenya." Iida frowned, and sat.

"Also, there will be no spreading of rumors in my classroom. Let's begin today's lesson."

Kirishima tapped on his desk, quietly sighing. "So Bakugou likes someone..could it be me? There's no way! But... I really hope it is.."

The silent half and half boy Todoroki sat at his desk, his thoughts clouding his mind. "Bakugou likes someone.. surprising..most likely Kirishima though." He exhaled, letting his attention rome back to Mr. Aizawa.

Kirishima has liked Bakugou since the attack on the USJ. Since the duo fought against two villains, Bakugou's "manliness" was enough to make Kirishima fall head over heels for him.
However, it also made him grow to have very obsessive tendencies. Very, obsessive. But, Bakugou never realized the odd behaviors. He just always thought shitty hair was being...well shitty.

Todoroki on the other hand, was a different story. Bakugo couldn't tell if the guy actually liked him or just tolerated him. Todoroki of course had a tendency to..not really show emotions, or show interest in someone else. But to everyone's soon surprise, a certain hothead was the only one he had eyes for.

As Bakugou was the hotheaded brains in 1-A, he felt he was way too superior to need to talk about liking people. Only a few even knew of his sexuality, his clique, and surprisingly Midoriya. When they were younger Midoriya told him asked him if liking boys was wrong, to which Bakugou denied, and told him he liked them too.

"Alright class, settle down, I have an announcement that might be important to those of you that care." Aizawa said tiredly. "Today we'll be doing combat training with our quirks. I'll split you in groups of two just for the fun of it." Aizawa smirked as everyone groaned, knowing this wouldn't be a good class.

"Alright, here's who you're up against." Aizawa said as the teams popped up on the holographic screen.

Midoriya vs Asui
Uraraka vs Tenya
Sero vs Tokoyami
Ojiro vs Ashido
Denki vs Ejirou
Hagurake vs Aoyama
Shoto vs Bakugou
Jirou vs Momo
Shoji vs Satou
Mineta vs Kouda

"That half and half bastard? Fuck." Baku said a bit loudly, as Aizawa contemplated on telling him about his language, but just gave up. "I'm not paid enough for this." He mumbled as he let the first team fight, then the next, leading up to the fight of the century.

"Alright ready?" Aizawa asked as Bakugou and Todoroki took their fighting stances. 


Bakugo was the first one to attack. He set off explosions left and right trying to hit Todoroki, being successful with one hit that barely phased him.


Todoroki froze part of Bakugou's arm while throwing him. Bakugou, while in the air upside down, set off explosions towards him as he landed on the ground and gained his balance. Todoroki had fell to the ground, as he was caught off guard by how many explosions there were.

Nonetheless, he swiftly got up and resorted to setting Bakugou "I'LL WIN THIS FIGHT!!!" Bakugou made a huge explosion, dust everywhere so you couldn't see them. Todoroki had Bakugou pinned down by freezing his arms and hands to the ground so he couldn't set off anymore explosions.

Todo leaned closer to Bakugou's face, his breath cold as he talked, just to be a tease. "What happened to winning, huh?" He said, pulling away.

The dust cleared and everyone was shocked, even Aizawa was a little surprised about how fast their fight ended. "Winner is Todoroki."

Murmurs amongst the class rose, summing up in shock that Todoroki had won.

"Alright next up," Aizawa said, bringing up the screen again.

After training/Locker rooms..

"Hey Bakugou? Meet me outside after lunch." Todoroki said calmly.

"If you're doing it for pity, then fuck off-" Todoroki slammed Bakugou's locker shut, shocking everyone including Bakugou. "The hell's wrong with you bastard?"

"Not for pity, meet me outside as I said." He walked away looking back for Bakugou's answer. Bakugou tried to put up a front, but it was showing that he was caught off guard. "Fine halfie." He replied, his face being tinted with a slight shade of pink, faint enough for them to realize that he was flustered. "Good. See you later." Todo said as he walked away. "What the hell was that?" Bakugou thought as he looked down to hide his confusion and embarrassment.

"Todoroki better not try anything...Bakugou doesn't even like him." Kirishima thought as he went to Bakugou to see if he was okay, as he was changing more angrily than before. 

"Why wouldn't I be shitty hair. Don't answer that." He answered while grabbing his stuff and leaving. "I'll see you outside then.." Kirishima mumbled. "Hey Kirishima? You comin to lunch?" Kaminari asked. "Oh dude, of course!" He said, his expression changing to a smile. "Then let's get moving, I'm starving!" 

After lunch...

Bakugou walked outside and sat on the steps next to Todoroki. Little did they know, Kirishima was near, recording their conversation..

Just A Thought || (Todobaku) !!IN PROCESS OF REWRITING!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora