Apologies and Aww Fu-

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So I've been reading over the chapters and comments for this book, and I just realized something (not really, I realized this a while ago)... This is like the cringiest thing I've ever made. I actually am surprised people are enjoying this, sure, some of the comments are painful, considering I put warnings that I'm not good at certain things in stories, but I honeslty didn't expect to get how many reads I got. It's overwhelming, and thank you. Now I will let you continue.



No One's POV

Katsuki opened his eyes to knocking on the door. He tumbled out of bed slowly, walking lazily to the door. He looked down and realized he wasn't wearing clothes. The blonde ran and found his clothes on the floor from the previous night. He quickly got dressed, finally slowing his pace as he made his way to the door. He dreadfully sighed and opened the door, revealing and confused Shoto and an even more confused Kaminari. "Hey bro! What are you still doing here? You know we have classes right?" Katsuki's eyes widened as he sweat dropped. "Fuck." Katsuki ran to the bathroom to get ready as Kaminari invited himself in, Shoto behind him.

"So you said you guys did...it last night?" Kaminari asked, his face red. Shoto nodded in embarrassment. "Yes. That's possibly why he didn't wake up.." he swallowed hard finishing sentence. Katsuki walked out of the bathroom and ran into the bedroom. Kaminari sighed. "Have you and Kirishima done it yet?" Todoroki asked. Kaminari's face turned cherry red, as he shook his head. "N-no! No not yet... He wants to but... I'm not ready... He's being patient though.." Shoto nodded. "Well at least he respects your choice of waiting." It was Kaminari's turn to nod. "Yeah.."

Katsuki ran into the kitchen where the two were chatting, grabbed an apple, shook his head, blew it up, and grabbed a red bell pepper instead. He took a bite out of it and looked at the two, who were giving him looks of shock, but Shoto was just sad. "What?" Katsuki asked. "That was the last apple." Shoto sighed and grabbed his phone, walking away. "It wha- wAIT SHOTO I'M SORRY I'LL GET MORE APPLES!!" But the blonde was too late, for he walked out the door already. He sighed, signalling for Kaminari to follow, who complied quietly.


"Sooo, let me get this straight. You blew up an apple. That was the last apple you guys had. And now Todoroki won't talk to you?" Mina asked, Katsuki nodding with tears in his eyes. They were in the cafeteria. "I didn't mean to b-blow up the a-apple." He whined, but he wasn't completely sad. "I just want my boyfriend to talk to meeee." He whined more, as Mina sipped her lemonade. "Ha, can't relate." She said, swiping through her phone as Katsuki groaned sadly.

He looked over at Shoto, who was listening to Jirou and Tokoyami talking about the darkness their outfits brought, and how Shoto should try it out sometime. He looked over at Katsuki, who waved sheepishly. Shoto's eyes narrowed, and he drew his attention back to the two emo friends talking. Katsuki sobbed sadly/dramatically with his head on the table while he ate his fries. The others patted him on the back. Today was already a rough day for the blonde.

After class hours...

"Which apples did we have dammit?!" Katsuki whispered yelled to himself in the produce aisle of the store. He looked at the red apples, picking random ones that weren't too ripe or rotten. He paid for the apples, along with some of Shoto's favorite candy and his own choices. He silently walked out of the store, airpods in, head up, and toothy grin showing wide. He felt happy. He knew it would cheer up Shoto. At least he hoped.

Some minutes later...

Katsuki arrived at the dorms. He made his way to Shoto's dorm. He knocked. No response. Immediately he opened the door, which to his surprise was unlocked. He closed the door behind him, and walked up the stairs. He knocked on Shoto's door. He heard a faint "Come in while my existence is still a thing." He cracked the door open while talking. "Hey babe. I'm sorry about the apple this morning, so I bought you-" he opened the door all the way. He stared in awe. "-some stuff..."

He looked at the bed, which had a pastel outfit, and different candies and pocky flavors laid out on it. He looked at Shoto, who was sitting criss-crossed on the bed. He had a pastel outfit on already. He looked at Katsuki in awe too. "Looks like we both had the same intentions." Shoto stated, standing up with his arms wide. Katsuki ran into them, hugging back tight. "I- I love you.." He mumbled, which was muffled into Shoto's hoodie. He chuckled at his smol boyfriend. "I love you too Kat."

The two spent the night watching tv shows and movies, while eating snacks and calling friends every once in a while.

Katsuki's phone started to ring. "Who's that?" Shoto asked. Katsuki looked at his phone. "It says unknown.." He looked over the numbers again. "..but it looks familiar.." Katsuki looked at Shoto, who shrugged. "Put it on speaker." He nodded and answered, putting it on speaker. "Hello?" The person over the line spoke. It was a guy. A guy that's voice automatically sounded familiar to the two. "Who is this?" Katsuki asked, his expression becoming annoyed, being that their alone time was interrupted.

"..Hey Kacchan... It's me... De-ku.." he chuckled.

Wasn't that a great way to say I'm alive! Oh yeah, I'm alive ☺ sorry it took this fuckin long to make, I never had an idea for this, but I decided some twists would get my brain working again. So, I hope you enjoyed this! Next part coming soon!

Bye, love you guys! 💓💓💓💓

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