Idiotic Plans Part 1

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Sero's POV

I noticed that everyone was crowding around Bakugou, trying to see if he was okay. But there was one person that kept getting a little too close to him. And that was Urakaka. She was constantly getting closer to him with every question, and the questions she was asking kinda seemed like she wanted to date him. Like, she asked him "So do you like girls now or boys still or both?!" And also "What girl right now would you date?" Which she kinda seemed...I don't know....desperate? Thirsty? One of those. She also was flustered when she asked him the questions..

I walked over to Bakugou nervously, shaking and everything. It's not that I like him, it's the fact that I don't want to die yet. I sat down next to Bakugou and made a hand motion that told everyone I could handle it. They were confused at first, but finally walked over to Todoroki. I looked at Bakugou and he turned to me slowly, making me almost shit my pants. should I start this? With 'Do you like him or not, the whole world is waiting?' No too straight forward. Maybe-

"What do you want tape arms?" Bakugou interrupted my thoughts, sending me back into reality. Guess I have to go with the second option. "Oh I was wondering ummm....w-why did you and Todoroki start arguing in the first place?" I asked nervously. He became angry, but thankfully he calmed down. "I don't minute we were fine, the next we were arguing, and the last came down to this.." he said looking at the floor. Aha! I knew they were faking! They're just acting sad. I did that part, now here comes my death. "Its okay Bakugou, it'll be just fine." I said slowly pulling him into a hug. It took a few seconds, but he gave into the hug. He hugged back and sighed, as I was mentally panicking about what to do after this. He put his head on my shoulder and I froze. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit! What do I do?!" I mentally screamed. After a little bit, he pulled away. I glanced around quickly, and saw Urakaka staring straight at me. She was glaring. "I think....yea, I think she likes him.." thought as I rubbed my eyes. I need to talk to the others.. "What's wrong?" I looked up and Bakugou was talking. "What would he think if she told him she liked him?" Dammit, right now there's something more serious to worry about, and that's coming up with an excuse to leave this conversation. "Oh heh, n-nothing is wrong, nothing at all! Thanks for the talk, I must be on my way now. See ya lat-" he pulled me back down onto the couch and I stared in fear. "You're lying. No bullshit with me Sero, answer my question correctly." He said angrily.

Now what do I do?! I have to come up with an excuse now! I really need to leave this now-


I pulled out my phone and I got two messages from Mina.

🎀Mina🎀: Bakusquad besides Bakugou, group chat now.

🎀Mina🎀: there's something wrong

Yes, this was just what I needed! "Hey Bakugou, Imma go to the bathroom real quick. " I said running away. "Alright?" He said as I ran to the bathroom and hid in one of the stalls. I opened up the group chat and there were more messages.

🥊Kiri🥊: Sero, what's wrong?

Kami⚡: You were pretty nervous over there with Bakugou

🎀Mina🎀What happened?

📜Sero📜: guys...there's something wrong ..

⚡Kami⚡: With what?! Who?! You're okay right?

🥊Kiri🥊: What do you mean?

📜Sero📜: I think Urakaka has a crush on Bakugou...

🎀Mina🎀: really?

🥊Kiri🥊: wow, her and I both..

⚡Kami⚡: .......

🎀Mina🎀: ?? Kami what's wrong?

⚡Kami⚡: oh....nothing...

I was in mid text when:

Kami⚡has left the chat

🥊Kiri🥊: The hell? Why'd he leave the chat?

🎀Mina🎀: remember Kami's crush right?

Damn...Kirishima said they both like Bakugou. Of course Kaminari is gonna be upset! He likes Kirishima still...

📜Sero📜: yea I remember...

🥊Kiri🥊: who? Does he like Bakugou too?

🎀Mina🎀: no Kiri

🥊Kiri🥊: Sero?

📜Sero📜: No he doesn't like me like that

🥊Kiri🥊: well then who does he like and why didn't I know?

🎀Mina🎀: he'll tell you when he's ready, but don't force him to talk about it

🥊Kiri🥊: alright then.. back to the point. Sero?

📜Sero📜: oh...yea...I was nervous because we'd have to deal with Urakaka trying to get with Bakugou...

🎀Mina🎀: we'll have to find a way to get her away from him..

🥊Kiri🥊: yea, we can't have interfere with this next...

Again, I was in mid text when:

"Sero, where are you? I need to speak with you. It's about Bakugou, I saw you hug him." Todoroki said seriously.

I basically fell onto the floor of the stall, holding myself up a little by my tape. Crap, Todoroki! He saw us hug! I'm screwed!


🥊Kiri🥊: what's wrong?!


🎀Mina🎀: dammit!! Where are you Sero?

📜Sero📜: I'm in the bathroom on the floor we were just on. I'm in the 2nd to last stall on the left. 😭😭😭

🥊Kiri🥊: okay stay there, Mina and I will go get Todoroki!

🎀Mina🎀: just hold on tight Sero!

📜Sero📜: please hurry!

Seen by 2

I took in a deep breath, quiet as to make sure Todoroki couldn't hear me. I could hear his voice near the bathroom, which meant he yelled right outside of it. Was he going to just talk? Or was he going to suddenly become Bakugou and set my head on fire or just freeze my entire body? There were so many questions in this situation that I couldn't think clearly. That is, until I heard talking outside of the bathroom.

"Todoroki come on! He's not here!" Mina yelled. "You gotta look somewhere else, there's plenty of places to look!" I heard Kirishima next. "Why are you both so desperate to get me away from the bathroom?" Todoroki said. "Why do you wanna be NEAR the bathroom?" Mina asked. Nice one Mina! "I guess you have a point...very well then, I will look somewhere else." Todoroki as I sighed. I waited a couple minutes until-

"Hey Sero, you can come out now." Kirishima said quietly. I walked out of the stall and high fives Kiri. "Thanks bro." I said as he nodded. We quietly walked the opposite direction of Todoroki and went to Mina's dorm. She was sitting on her bed. She motioned for us to come in.

We sat down and she started talking. "Okay guys, plan one is in progress, I believe we got Todoroki jealous. Now we have to get Bakugou next!" She said excitedly. Me and Kiri nod. This is gonna be hard.

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