Shark Boy is Madddd...

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Hello people. I'm sorry if you get a notification of some sort saying I published a new part of this or another story, while you're trying to sleep. I just usually can't go to sleep at night so I make my stories. I hope you enjoy this one, maybe more than the last one if the last one was too sad, I know it was for me. Enjoy!!

Baku's Nightmare POV

I ran down the hall of darkness, not able to see a thing. I hid in a room, and slammed the door. I couldn't remember exactly why this person was chasing me, but I knew the person wanted something from me. The person chasing me was Shitty hair. "BAKUBRO?!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!! COME OUT I WANNA HAVE A LITTLE FUN BABE!!!! IF YOU DONT COME OUT NOW I'LL FIND YOU AND KILL YOU!!"

I stayed in the room and didn't make a sound. I was in the corner and it was dark, so I couldn't see anything but the figure of some objects. Shitty hair's footsteps were gone, I couldn't hear them anymore. I sighed after a couple of minutes......

"Gotcha." I turned around to see Shitty hair glowing red as he had a knife in his left hand and a vibrator in his right. "Lets have a little fun, shall we Bakugou?"

Baku's Regular POV

I jerked up in a cold sweat. I looked around and realized I was in my bed. I sighed a breath of relief. "Just a dream idiot. It's not real. Calm your balls dumbass." I told myself. It was just a dream....but why was shitty hair asking to "have fun".....was he....oh god he was going to rape me then kill me. I know it was just a dream but....this makes me hate shitty hair even more than I did. What if he actually liked me and wanted to do this? After this dream, I don't think I can look at him the same.

I got up from my bed and went to my living room. Todo-Shoto-DAMMIT!! Icyhot was on the couch flicking through channels. He turned around and his eyes went from a serious scared look, to a more pleased and calm one. "Ah Baku, you're awake. How'd you sleep?" I sat down next to him on the couch, a couple feet away. "Horrible." I replied looking away at the memory of the nightmare I had. "Huh? Did you have a nightmare?" He asked. "Yes.." I answered looking down. "What was it about? If you feel too uncomfortable talking about it, then you don't have to-" "Shitty hair was gonna rape and kill me.." I interrupted. He looked surprised. Then he sighed. "What?" I asked looking at him. He was looking down at our feet. "I need to tell you something Baku.." He said looking at me. "What's w-wrong?" I asked looking a bit more concerned. He sighed again and answered. "When we had our conversation outside, did you feel like someone was there? Like besides us?" How had he guessed? It made no sense. "Yea I did you...what does that have to do with-" " was Kirishima eavesdropping...he recorded our conversation." Todo answered looking calm again. I looked at him then looked away, mad as all hell was about to break loose. "DAMN FUCKING SHITTY HAIR CANT MIND HIS OWN DAMN BUSINESS!!! FIRST MY NIGHTMARE AND NOW THIS?!!" I yelled as Todo looked shocked. "Yea, I'm gonna get his phone and delete the video when I can, for your privacy-" "Thanks, but all I wanna do is KILL HIM!!" I yelled still sitting. "Calm down Katsuki, now please." He said calmly. I froze. He used my first name. That meant he was serious. I calmed down and nodded. "It'll be okay, alright?" he asked, putting a hand on my thigh. "I-I...icy-hot y-your hand i-is.." I stuttered taking quick glances at him then looking away. He looked confused. "What Baku? What's wrong with my hand?" he asked moving his hand up to my thigh more. "a-ah fuck To-Todoroki!" I moaned loudly, loud enough that I wouldn't be surprised if Aizawa heard me from Present Mic's room, which was right below mine. There was a long awkward silence before I looked at Todo, and he looked at me. He moved his hand and his face turned a slight shade of red, as mine turned a whole bunch of different shades of red, all from embarrassment.

"O-oh I'm sorry, I d-didn't realize-" halfie started. "D-Don't you fucking tell anyone about it?!!!" I yelled blushing even more than I already had. I looked up at him and he had a devilish smile. "D-Don't you fucking dare bastard!!!" I screeched while lightly hitting him over and over. He grabbed my hands a pinned me down on the couch. He inched his face closer to the point where our noses were almost touching. "Oh I won't....under one condition." I shivered from his cold breath and gulped, thinking that he'd say something unbearable. And sure enough, it was. "You have to be nice for the rest of the month to me. Can you do it?" He said getting off me. Damn I hate when people try to blackmail me. "DAMMIT ICYHOT!! THAT ISNT FAIR!! I-I OH FUCK YOU!!" He turned back to his evil smile and started to get up from the couch. "Alright then, guess I'll start off with-" " NOOOOO!!! GO TO HELL!!!" I yelled tackling him into the couch. He laughed so hard as I was yelling. I blushed even more as I was laying on top of him. "F-fine I'll be nice. Happy now?" I said getting up. "More than ever actually." He smiled fixing his shirt and getting up. "Hey I said I'd make you something when you woke up, so let's go." Todo said, motioning for me to come along. "Tch." I said getting up and following icyhot out the dorm and into the kitchen.


We made it to the kitchen where everyone was hanging out. I walked over and sat while Icyhot started making spicy noodles. "Hey Bakugou!" Tape arms said as the rest of the squad came along with him. I glared at shitty hair and said "Sup?" to the others. "Nothing much. You okay though? You were crying yesterday when you left. You never cry!" Mina said worried. "Raccoon eyes I'm fine." I replied, looking at Todoroki to see if he was almost done making my spicy noodles. "Bakubro~ if you cry then there's something wrong. Don't lie to me~." Shitty hair said, putting a finger on my chin. "1, if you ever fucking touch me again I'll cut off your hands, throw them in a blender, and serve them to a bear." I said as each word was emphasized more and more by the second. "And 2, everyone fucking cries dumbass. Just cuz I don't cry here, doesn't mean I never have asshole." I said it as calm as I could, which obviously scared the shit out of the others. Shitty hair rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking-" "Here Baku. Your noodles are done." My saviour Todoroki said just in time. Wait, DAMMIT HE'S NOT MY SAVIOUR!! I JUST- HE- FUCK EVERYTHING!! I looked at him and he smiled. "Good now go away-" I froze. "What was that? You want me to say it?" The bastard said smirking. "NO NO NO NO. THANK YOU AND SIT DOWN P-P-PLEASE!!" I yelled as he chuckled. "Good boy." He said ruffling my hair. I almost blew his head off. But for the rest of the fucking month I have to be nice to him so I can't. Everyone looked in shock and yelled in unison "WHAT?!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT TODOROKI?!!! HE SAID THANK YOU AND PLEASE!!!" He just smiled and shrugged. "I guess I have my ways." He said smiling at me as I lightly punched his shoulder and started eating. "Did you just punch me? Alright then-" "AAAHHH I'M SORRY OKAY IT WAS A LIGHT PUNCH JUST STOP PLEASE!!!" I yelled hugging his arm. He chuckled as he tapped me, showing that everyone was staring, Shitty hair glaring at Todo. I blushed slightly and burried my face into his arm. All the girls were squealing, including Deku. Shirty hair's quirk started building up on his hands. Denki realized and pointed it out. "Uh Kiri? Your quirk...what's wrong?" He noticed that shitty hair was angry. He looked at his hands and yelled at Denki. "NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!!" He punched the wall and made a hole in it. "Woah calm down sharkie!" Raccoon eyes yelled. He glared at her and walked up to Todo. I didn't hear what he was saying, but icyhot replied and shitty hair walked off.

Todo's POV

I was torturing Baku with the condition I made when Kirishima punched a hole in the wall. "Woah calm down sharkie!" Mina yelled. He glared at her and walked up to me. "He's mine. Touch and I'll kill you." He said in a low voice. "Heh, we will definitely see about that, Kirishima." I said in a smart tone, making him storm off. "Uhh, what just happened?" Midoriya asked. "Jealousy happened." Kaminari said as he held his head down and walked to his dorm. "Poor guy. He didn't deserve that." Jirou said. Everyone in class 1-A already knew that Kaminari was gay and liked Kirishima. And by everyone, even Mineta knew. Everyone but Kirishima. It wasn't a surprise that Kaminari would get upset from being yelled at by Kirishima. But the most important thing was that Kirishima thought Baku was his. If he touched Katsuki, he wouldn't live to see another day. Not that I would do anything. But Katsuki himself would.

Baku's POV

"Okay aside from that, later I'm having a party in my dorm. Everyone is invited so come no later than 10 o' clock cuz that's when the fun is gonna begin!" Deku announced. Everyone cheered as Todo looked at me. "Are you going Kacchan?" Deku asked. I thought for a moment. "..yea I'll be there-" everyone yelled as loud as they could considering I was going. "But if you guys are gonna scream like that then hell no." I said covering my ears as they chuckled and apologized. "Alright then. Ill tell Kaminari and Kirishima, but see you guys later!" Deku said. "Me and Iida will help you get ready for the party Deku!!" Round face said going over to him. "Yes we would be very glad to help you Midoriya." Four eyes said doing his one hand chopping motion. "O-ok!" They left and everyone left to get ready for the party. Icyhot looked at me and smiled. "I'll help you get ready Baku." He said smirking. I growled. "Fine." I pouted and he ruffled my hair again. I liked it when he did that...wait NO I DIDN'T!! AAARRGGHH!! DO I LIKE HIM OR NOT?!! My feelings are fucking with me. I hate it.

"What time is it Todo?" I asked, as he looked at his watch. His eyes widened and he picked me up bridal style and ran. "W-WAIT T-TODO!! STOP RUNNING!!" I yelled as he kept running past people going to their dorms, all of them laughing and teasing at the position we were in. "It's 4:37. We need to get you ready." He answered still trying to get to my dorm. "WE HAVE ENOUGH TIME TODO CALM DOWN!!"

No One's POV

Todo ran as Baku tried to get him to stop. He was blushing like crazy, since Todo was carrying him bridal style. They ran past their classmates, all of them either laughing or teasing Baku at how embarrassed he was. "They're gonna be a couple one day, that's for sure." Sero said. "Yea, they definitely will." The rest of the classmates laughed.

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