I'm Sorry... Part 1

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Not much for me to say..

WARNING: rape, gruesome details of torture, probably etc. Another warning will come up.

Midoriya's POV

Timeskip to after convincing Midoriya...

I feel so bad doing this to Kacchan and Todoroki, but they wouldn't accept my offer in love... This is the only way to make them.. "Oi! Deku you nerd where are we going?!" Kacchan asked as Todoroki stayed silent holding Kacchan close. I rolled my eyes. "Kacchan we're almost there. Right about....now!" I said opening my arms wide to an empty field. They looked around confused. "Midoriya, it's an empty fi- mmph!!" I turned around to see Dabi covering Todoroki's mouth. "Surprise little bro." He said putting him in the choke hold. "Icyhot!! GIVE HIM BACK BASTA- MMPH!!" I looked over to Mr. Compress who covered Kacchan's mouth too. Kacchan disappeared and I saw only a blue marble in Mr. Compress' hand. "The obnoxious one is settled. Now for this one-" "Let me just choke him till he passes out." Dabi smirked. He did as he said and a few seconds later, Todoroki passed out. "Alright you two hurry up!! I don't have all damn day!!" Shigaraki yelled from the van hidden in the woods. "Yeah! I wanna stab em now, c'mon!!" Toga yelled excitedly. They got into the van and drove off to the lair.

At UA...

No one's POV

Everyone was panicking, the three students were no where to be seen. "WHERE ARE THEY?!!" the class yelled. Aizawa and Toshinori were panicking. Aizawa got a sudden message on his phone. He pulled it up and a hologram showed up. It was a video chat. The class looked closely, realizing Midoriya waving to the screen. Everyone became ecstatic and less worried and were a little excited to see he was okay. "Hi guys!" He said happily. "Where the hell are you Midoriya? And do you know where Bakugou and Todoroki are?" Aizawa asked. Midoriya automatically put his head down in shame. The class froze. "Yes." He answered moving back from the screen, showing two sleeping boys chained on the floor to a wall. The class gasped in shock and silence filled the room. They looked at Midoriya, who was now smirking maniacally. Then someone walked over next to Midoriya, it was Shigaraki. "I got from here, thanks kid." He said patting Midoriya's shoulder with four fingers to not disintegrate it. Midoriya nodded and walked away. "What have you done to young Midoriya and the others?!!" Toshinori yelled. Shigaraki chuckled. "Oh All Might...nothing yet. Midoriya was the reason the blonde and two color haired idiots are even here." The class became confused. "What are you talking about?" Aizawa demanded an answer. "It was Midoriya that made it so easy. He helped them get to our targeted area and we kidnapped them. All thanks to that kid of yours All Might... Some hero he'll be." Shigaraki chuckled. The class became silent. They all looked in disbelief. "Tell you what. You don't call the cops for the next three days, or try to come rescue anyone, and I won't kill them. Go against that and you won't get these two back, Midoriya you could have." He took the hand off his face and looked into the screen while talking. The class wasn't happy anymore. They were filled to the brim with rage. And sadness. They couldn't believe it was happening again. "That's all for now, we'll update you every so often." The hologram turned off and everyone sat down. "What are we going to do?! It took a long time to get Bakugou back when it was just him!! Now it's him and Todoroki!!" Mina started to cry, as the rest of them were sadly thinking of things they could do to help. "Dammit...... We'll wait..." Aizawa said. The class looked up in shock. "WHAT?!! WE CAN'T WAI-" "ENOUGH!!!!!" Aizawa yelled full of rage. The class became silent in an instant. "You heard him, do you want the two dead or alive?!!" He yelled again everyone answering alive. "Then we have to wait till the right time..." He said as the class nodded and sighed.

With the League of Villains....

Todoroki's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw bars. It was almost like I was in a jail cell. I looked on my right and saw Bakugou. But he was chained to the wall sitting down. I tried to rush over but something restrained me from really moving. I realized I was chained too. I turned over to Baku and tried to wake him up. "Bakugou! Baku wake up...please..." I whispered. He sturred awake and turned his head over towards me. His eyes widened. "Todo? W-what's going on here? Where are we?!" He yelled about to start struggling against the chains. "No don't!" I whisper yelled, making him stop. I sighed. "I don't know where we are, but making sounds will make the people that kidnapped us hear-" "oh hey Kacchan! Todoroki!" We looked in front of us and Midoriya was standing there. "DEKU WHAT THE HELL?!! GET US OU-"

Just A Thought || (Todobaku) !!IN PROCESS OF REWRITING!!Where stories live. Discover now