So.. We're Fucked

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Just before this starts, i want to say that this story is based after the fight with Toshinori (All Might) and the human fried potato (All for One). Because i thought of this idea while i was halfway through writing the story, you will see "All Might" in the beginning. Then you'll see "Toshinori" sometimes.

This was very pointless in my opinion to point out but i just wanted to make it clear incase anyone was wondering.

ALSO. There's gonna be some spicy cinnamon stuff next chapter, meaning it's gonna go down. Something you probably didn't expect will happen. Let's just say..... a ship is gonna be interrupted by someone..I'm so sorry if that was cringey😅😅

Okay, let's continue dis UwU

Bakugou's POV

I covered my ears as Aizawa yelled at us for being out and not telling anyone. "It was a serious situation you idiot." I said calmly. Aizawa turned to me and tightened his scarf. "The hell do you think you're talking to? More important what did you say? And with that, you'll give me a mature, and respectful answer." He yelled. "I SAID IT WAS A SERIOUS SITUATION YOU IDIOT!! KAMINARI ALMOST KILLED HIMSELF!!! HE JUMPED OFF A BRIDGE!!! YOU'RE LUCKY KIRISHIMA WAS THERE TO GRAB HIM OR YOU WOULDA LOST A STUDENT AND YOUR CAREER!!!" I yelled setting off multiple huge explosions. Aizawa and All Might stood shocked. It was silent for a while. Everyone was looking at there feet, or at Kaminari. Later, Aizawa sighed. "You guys can go, including you All Might. Bakugou you stay." He said untying everyone, his hair falling back down. The others left and I walked over to him. He looked at the floor for a moment, until looking into my eyes.

We stared at each other for a while. There was silence. The only thing that could be heard was our breathing. I took that time to study him. He looks so sleep deprived. The way his eyes don't shine when in light shows something. It shows that he doesn't care what happens to him at this point. He would rather die than anything. The attack on the USJ really brought him to a breaking point. He kinda changed. Almost like when the villains captured me. He seems insecure and unsure of most decisions he has to make. He doesn't like bringing attention to himself. But if he has to he will. Aizawa isn't teaching because he has nothing else to do. It's because he sees potential in all of us. He really believes we can be heroes. It's weirdly cool how much you can tell about a person just by looking into there eyes.

Aizawa's POV

Bakugou is seen as a short tempered, stubborn brat. And though that can be true, he still does anything he has to or can do to keep others safe. He fears the ones he cares about being hurt. He has been through the best, and the absolute worst, but he gets by that. Something changed in him after the villains captured him. Almost how I changed after the attack with the USJ.. He is more careful with everything than he once was. He takes his time, he doesn't rush, and he's somewhat calm. He still has a short temper that will erupt at the slightest insult or any word or sound really. He seems to not care about his classmates, but deep down, he doesn't want anything to happen to any of them. He wants them all safe. Even Midoriya, after their past and the feuds they've had. He might care about Midoriya the most, besides Todoroki, since they obviously have something for each other. Bakugou wants to be a hero, preferably the number one hero. He might not become number one, but I will do anything to make sure he makes the title as a hero. He wants to save people. He wants to make everything okay. He cares. It' much you can tell about a person just by studying their eyes.

Bakugou's POV

After a while of staring, Aizawa smirked and chuckled. "Since we've studied each other for a while now, you can understand me more. I understand you more also." He said, still smirking. I looked away embarrassed. Did he really know I was studying him? I guess he was studying me too? "What's your point?" I asked calmly. He blinked and looked at the floor for a moment. Then looked back up at me. "Thank you for caring for the others. I care about you're safety more than anything in the world. You are all like me I guess. I don't want anything happening to any of you, as I can tell you feel the same." He said while putting his hair in a ponytail. I nodded. "Yes, it's true that would be bad if something happened to one of you-" he put a hand through his hair in the front to get in out of his face, then gave me a crazed stare.

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