Regrets & Hugs

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So yes, I changed majority of the titles for the chapters. What can I say, I liked the new ones better. Anyway thank you for the insane amount of views! Like seriously, I don't understand anymore.

Katsuki's POV

What's happening to me?

Why am I aching inside?

Why do my wrists burn all of a sudden?

Why does he care?

Why does he like me?

Why does he love me....

  My head began to create questions and beliefs that kept swarming around in my head, enveloping me in a world of negative possibilities.

He's using you.

He really hates you.

You're nothing to him.

They all hate you.

You're a mistake.

No wonder you weren't ever loved.

  "Katsuki, we need to talk." I shook my head, leaving my thoughts to do their own bidding. I looked over at Shoto, who's eye were visibly full of concern. I gave him a wry smile. "Everything's fine babe! There's no reason we need to talk!" Shoto glared. "You're right. There's multiple reasons." I frowned.

  "Kat, I know you're not okay. There's something wrong. Please, just-- tell me what I can do to help you." He held my hands gently. I sighed.

  "I.. do have my regrets of how I acted towards deku, I honestly do.. but no matter how much I tell myself he deserved it.." tears stung my eyes, threatening to reveal how weak I was. Shoto caressed my cheek with his hand. "..I still felt tons of guilt everyday.. sometimes I still do.."

  Shoto nodded. "It's okay.. I understand... everyone has their regrets-" Shoto closed his mouth as Katsuki interrupted. "I'm not talking about everyone dammit!! I'm talking about me!!"

  "Yes I know that! But you need to understand that people feel the same way you do-"

"No they don't!! No one feels the exact same as anyone!!" Katsuki looked down. "All I needed was comfort from you. That's all I needed. But here you go adding people into the conversation-"

  "I'm sorry, what? Adding people to the conversation? Well I'm sorry I'm not the best with advice. I'm sorry that I upset you just like everyone else does."

Katsuki looked away in shame.

"But..." he looked up at Shoto.

  "I don't care because I love you. You are the sun for God's sake. You are a treasure that is meant to be taken care of everyday until it's value is no more, and even when that is true, I'll be the one still taking care of you, because I love you. And my love for you will never stop."

  Katsuki looked him in the eyes, tears falling to no end. He chuckled. "You always know what to say bastard." He hugged Shoto tight, earning a relaxing sigh from his boyfriend.

  They sat in comfortable silence for about an hour. No words. Just calm breathes, tight grips, and a few chuckles here and there. They fell asleep, holding each other in a warm embrace. Katsuki's phone vibrated with multiple messages, but he ignored them. The messages were from his mother.

Hey kiddo! My mother instincts kicked in and I wanted to see if you were alright.

I hope everything is okay with that Todoroki. If his dad gives you any shit, tell me. I'll kick his ass. And if that Todoroki you're dating gives you any problems, also tell me. I'll spare him his face but I can't promise anything else will be okay >:)



So I came to the conclusion that you're probably sleeping. So much for my common sense. Well, I hope you enjoy your night.

Love you hun.

Sorry for the somewhat short chapter. I didn't know what else to include. =/

Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you that I have a new account! I'm still using this one, but I just wanted to make another one for a different anime: Haikyuu! I might use it for other anime I find too. I also made a book on that acc called Love Me For Me || Daisuga, which I hope gets some views 😅

My acc name is oya_spikebitch . Well, that's all I wanted to mention. I hope you enjoy your day!

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