Overreacting As Usual

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I don't know why the hell I agreed to meet this bastard here. Maybe I'm giving it to him since he beat me in combat training. Well, I'll applaud him- not- this time because no one else can beat me. I'm way too superior for my own good.

I took my jacket off, as it was cool outside. I looked at the swaying trees and the blue sky. It felt as if there was a presence near but, I didn't pay too much attention to it. There was an unpleasant silence for a little bit before icyhot broke the silence.

"I heard that you like someone in our class Kugo." Icyhot said. "Did you really just call me Kugo?" I asked, cringing. Icyhot looked at me, concerned. "Do you not like that nickname? I'll change it if you want-" "I don't care about a nickname, now what the hell are you talking about." 

"Is it true?" Halfie asked. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't interested in anyone, not that I knew of, but this bastard seemed to always get me flustered and made me look stupid a lot of the time. I looked at icyhot and he stared into my eyes, like he was looking right into my soul.

Why's this bitch so calm about this?!

"It's interesting to know you might like one of us, since you basically hate everyone in your life." He chuckled. A shade of pink crept to the tips of my ears, as well as my face.

"Shut up Halfie. And yea...I like someone in the class..." He looked surprised.

"Who is it?" Of COURSE he'd ask that. I looked away and didn't reply. "You can trust me Bakugou. I won't tell anyone. I have nothing against you so there's no need for me to."

I felt tears form in the corner of my eyes. Why the hell am I crying over a stupid question? Or is it that he said I can trust him?
Well, aside from Uraraka telling everyone my sexuality..I don't really know who I can and can't trust.

"I...I don't have to tell you anything bastard." I abruptly got up and speed walked away. I was on the verge of crying in front of him. I knew he'd give me pity. I knew I'd be seen as a weakling. I'd be damned if I was gonna let that happen. "Wait!.." He yelled out but his voice trailed off as I was already in the school.


I kept my head down as I walked along the hallway going to the bathroom. As I was in the hallway, I heard someone say something, as they walked up to me and asked if I was okay.

"Kacchan are you okay?" Deku asked. 

"Out of my way Deku." I said as I pushed past him. "There's something wrong. I hope he's okay.." Deku mumbled.

I walked away to our classroom, where everyone was, including icyhot. Everyone was silent. "Bakugou, you're unusually late." Aizawa glared. "Is everything alright?"

"Yea I'm fine. Mr. Aizawa, I'll be leaving class early." I said grabbing my bag and walking to the door. "Alright Bakugou, see you tomorrow." He said waving. "Bye Bakugou, see you later!" Mina said, waving. The rest of the class waved. I was surprised. I had always been a piece of shit to everyone, and they still cared?


I looked over to icyhot..he was just staring as me. I shook my head, nodded and walked out to my dorm.

I unlocked the door and went inside. I closed the door and threw my things onto the floor, crashing onto my bed.

Was I making a bad judgement call? I mean it's not his fault. I just couldn't take any chances with trusting anyone again- fuck. Why am I making excuses for his dumb questions? I didn't have to answer if I didn't want to!

I sighed, looking at the ceiling.

It's not like he feels any way about me.


I walked along the hallway looking for Bakugou's dorm. He had left his jacket when he ran off after our...conversation. I knew Kirishima was there, but I won't tell Bakugou. And to keep our conversation private for Bakugou's sake, I need to get Kirishima's phone. But I'll worry about that later.

I walked up to a door, which had a poster that said "YOU BOTHER ME AND I BLAST YOU TO HELL."

Yeah, that is definitely Bakugou's dorm.

I knocked on the door- no response. I knock again- still no avail. I turned the door knob and the door opened. It was unlocked? That really isn't safe for him. "Bakugou? I'm here to return your jac.." I stopped as it seemed he was asleep.

I set down his jacket on his desk chair, and made my way over to him.

"Hey..Bakugou. I know you're sleeping..and in all honesty it's creepy for me to be in here right now..but I want you to know you can trust me. I'm your friend.."

I walked away to the door, "I hope." closing the door behind me.


I heard icyhot say something, but not much of it. Only "I hope." Dammit, what did he say? Did he say that he's sorry for something?

For what? Who knows.

Or..did he maybe…no. No way he did that..

Just A Thought || (Todobaku) !!IN PROCESS OF REWRITING!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang