How Unfortunate

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Hallo. I am sorry about the wait. I honestly didn't know what to make the next chapter about. But here it is so yea, continue.

Baku's POV

I woke up in a room. It didn't seem familiar, except the smell of the covers did. I looked up and I was facing a window. I moved to get up and felt an arm over me. "W-wait...this isn't shitty I-it?" I thought as I struggled to get up, since the person kept pulling me back down. "Bakugou..what's wrong?" the voice of the person next to me spoke. It wasn't shitty hair. "I-ICYHOT?!! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!! AND WHY AM I S-SLEEPING W-WITH Y-YOU?!!" I yelled still facing the window. He sighed and pulled me closer. I was mentally punching myself from embarrassment. I covered my face and groaned. "...We fucked last night." half n half bastard said. I became deep red and fell out of the bed. "AAAHHH WHAT THE FUCK?!! HOW-WHAT-WHY!!!" I screeched as he put the pillow over his head. "DONT YOU IGNORE ME YOU DAMN BASTARD!!! YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!!!" I screeched again as he laughed. "Yep, and I totally dominated." he said getting out of bed.


I passed out from a major nosebleed and woke up on the floor. He was sitting there laughing his ass off as I lay their unconscious. "I fucking h-hate you." I said getting up to grab a tissue. "I was kidding okay? We didn't actually..." He said helping me with my nosebleed. "O-oh.." I said remembering what actually happened. "Yea....I know what you're thinking about Baku...its not going to happen again...I won't let it.." Todoroki said looking away. Damn I said his name. "I know....I feel...dirty I could let that happen-" "YOU WERE DRUNK!" Todo yelled seriously, looking at the floor. I looked at him shocked. "Its my fault...I shouldn't have gotten drunk...any other time I can make good and smart decisions. Now...I let loose trying to relax when I should have known I wouldn't be able to without something happening.." He said, tears starting to form. "You needed to relax...I was supposed to keep you safe...instead I took it upon myself to join in...I...I just-" I hugged him and he stopped. He cried as I hugged tighter. He thought it was his fault...ugh, why do I fucking care?! I don't I? My feelings are so confusing I don't even know anymore..

"Its okay Todo. Trust me. I love you no matter what-" I covered my mouth and tensed up. He became flustered. "Wait, what was that?" He looked at me smirking. "N-NOTHING!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING HAHA YOU MUST BE HEARING THINGS I JUST UHH I SAID UHH NOTHING!!" I yelled not knowing what to say. "SHIT SHIT SHIT. I JUST ADMITTED TO LIKING HIM, FUCK FUCK FUCK! I HATE MY LIFE!" I mentally screamed. He shrugged and went to the bathroom. "Let's start the day, alright mommy?" He said winking. "FUCK OFF!! DONT CALL ME THAT YOU BASTAAARD!!" I yelled blushing a deep red as he laughed and closed the door.

After getting ready...

"Hey Baku? Let's go to the kitchen and eat something, okay?" Halfie asked. "Whatever sure." I said walking past him. He rolled his eyes and we walked to the kitchen. Deku and his nerds were sitting down, as the idiots I hang with were standing near the fridge. "Hey Bakugou! Hey Todoroki!" Raccoon eyes said I stood there. Todo put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna make us something, go ahead." He said. I nodded and he walked away. I walked over to them and sat down on one of the seats. "Sooooo, how ya doing?" Dunce face (yes I remembered the nickname so its not pikachu anymore) asked. "I feel like shit and I'm tired. But how are you guys?" I asked. They all stared wide eyed. "What?!" I yelled. "Todoroki must be doing something because you don't ever ask us that!!" Tape arms said. "HE'S NOT DOING ANYTHING!! I JUST FELT LIKE ASKING OKAY?!!" I yelled as they laughed. "Yea he did something. But we're fine!!" Raccoon eyes said excitedly. We talked for a little bit until there was an announcement. "7 has to be a color and letter!" Dunce face repeated. "YOU IDIOT IT'S NEITHER!!! IT'S A FUCKING NUMBER!!!" I yelled again. "ATTENTION STUDENTS IN CLASS 1-A. FOR THE CAUSE OF DISRUPTION FOR THE SITUATION THAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT, TWO STUDENTS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED. YOU HAVE NO CLASSES TODAY AS WE FIGURE OUT THE REST OF WHAT HAPPENED. BUT SINCE ALCOHOL WAS ENVOLVED, THE REST OF 1-A WILL HAVE TO DO CLASS DURING THE WEEKEND, PLUS GOING ON A WEEK TRAINING TRIP WITH MR. AIZAWA AND ALL MIGHT. THANK YOU AND ENJOY YOUR DAY." Principal Nezu said happily. Everyone groaned. "Who are they talking about? Deku is still here." I said looking at tape arms. "Kirishima and Mineta. Midoriya wasn't caught for the alcohol, but since Mineta is always doing this and is a little creep, they suspended him for a week. When he comes back, that's when we'll have our week trip." Tape arms explained. "Both him and Kirishima have an extra amount of c lasses. They found out what he did so he's suspended for the same amount of time Mineta is." He finished with an exhale. I nodded and stared. Todo came over and set my bowl of spicy noodles down in front of me. He put his bowl of cold soba down and sat. "There you go Baku. Extra spicy how you like it." He said ruffling my hair. I looked away and blushed. "T-thanks...Todo" he smiled and started eating. "OMG!! YOU'RE ACTUALLY CALLING HIM BY HIS NICKNAME!! THAT'S SO CUTE!!" Raccoon eyes squealed. "S-shut up." I said while they laughed. I ate and waited for him to finish his soba. Ugh he's taking so long. "Hurry uuup!" I groaned as he was staring at me with a straight face. "SLUUUURRRRP" He slurped slowly. "Whyyy?" I cried as I slid down out of my seat. He chuckled and finished. The others laughed as I got up and sat back down as he washed our dishes. The idiots left and it was Deku, icyhot, and I left. "Hey Kacchan!" Deku came over and sat down. "What do you want Deku?" I asked angrily. "D-don't kill me please.." He said closing his eyes. "What are you talking about-" I tensed up and froze. I looked down and he was hugging me. "..what are you doing?" I asked still frozen. " you a hug.." He replied. "..why though?" I asked. "..I'm just glad you're okay.." he replied starting to cry. "Tch, I'm fine. Now stop crying ya nerd." I said patting his head as a way to comfort him. He sniffled and wiped away his tears. "S-sorry.." He said smiling. "Yea yea. What else?" I asked. He looked confused. "You're standing here still. It's obvious you wanted something else." I said looking at him. He played with his fingers and stuttered. "O-oh yea! I-I just w-wanted t-to this is umm a-awkward!" He said looking around nervous. "Just say it already!! You're wasting my time!!!" I yelled.


He said really fast. "I didn't understand a word you said. Slow down." I rolled my eyes. He became embarrassed and said it slower. "I wanted to apologize for being a bother all the time. I was also wondering if...if we could be friends again." He asked scratching his head. I stared. Do I really want be friends with that again? I probably wouldn't be bad...but I hate his guts..but he still cares..ugh fuck it. "I-it's fine if you don't want to be! I understand-" "Sure." I interrupted. "Wait..REALLY?!!" he screeched. "YEA YEA I SAID SURE!! WE CAN BE FRIENDS AGAIN IDIOT!!" I yelled as he tried to calm down. But it failed and he tackled me into a hug while crying a hurricane. "OH MY GOSH THANK YOU KACCHAAAN!!" he cried. "OKAY SURE NOW GET OFF!!" I yelled struggling as he was on top of me hugging still. He laughed through sobs and got off. "O-okay" he sniffled. "See you later!!" He yelled walking out of the kitchen. "I regret doing that." I said slamming my head on the counter. "Well, you did something nice. That's surprising." Todo said. I screamed and fell off my chair that I just sat on. "Dammit, don't do that icyhot!!" I yelled crying on the floor. "I'm sorry you crybaby. I'm guessing you forgot I was here." He said coming over to help me up. I smacked his hand away. "NO SHIT!!" I yelled. He helped me up anyways and we went to the living room. The others were there and the frog called me and Todo over. "Hey Bakugou, Todoroki, come here we have an announcement." She said as I shrugged and we walked over. "Alright. So as you all know, we have the day off. That means we can do what ever as long as it's appropriate." Sonic said. "So the whole class is invited to go to the mall with us. We will be going later." He said as everyone cheered. "Meet Urakaka, Midoriya, and I at the front gates at 5:00. We will leave after everyone that wants to go is here." Everyone nodded and went to their dorms.

"Well, I'm going to my dorm." icyhot said. "Whatever." I said walking to my own. "See ya later Baku." He said making that precious smile of his. I blushed and slammed the door. I sighed. "See you later...Todo."

Just A Thought || (Todobaku) !!IN PROCESS OF REWRITING!!Where stories live. Discover now