Chapter 3:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
I looked at my ceiling. The baby pastel pink ceiling. The pink that has been me ever since I was able to speak. Pink was me and I was okay with that. I really didn't want to get up today. After another useless date last night that ended up with me being sure that I would die alone because my cats planned my downfall. I found comfort in the thought of at least being important enough for the cats to take time out of their busy routine of bathing, eating, hissing, and sleeping to plan my demise. I had a lot to do today. My new assistant started today. I picked the worse day to get a new assistant. I had my new artist Adore coming in today and all I needed was some new girl tripping because she can't keep up with my long strides. I should have just called in another favor with Bob. He was not only my friend but had been helping me maintain my sanity by keeping things in order. But after almost two years of him running around with me, I insisted on being a big girl and hiring someone to run around for me. I picked up my phone and read through my emails. Owning a guitar company was hard enough but also making stars out of raw talent was a whole another circus all together. I had four meeting today. One with Adore, one with Willam and the last two with Alyssa and Courtney. It would be five if I counted the fact that I had a new girl to show around. So much to do. After looking through useless and pointless emails, I checked my messages. I saw the first was from Kim asking how my date went last night. I rolled my eyes in pain as I thought about the slum ball that called himself a man. Three hours of sitting at a table listening to him try to tell me why I should help him with his "career." I nodded and smiled. I was taught if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. So when he picked up the soup spoon and started to sing a every out of tune version of Bleeding love, I smiled and turned red. Not that you could really tell because of my makeup but I was red with embarrassment. When he "hit" the final note he smiled and winked at me. And when I say hit, I mean he took a truck and ran right over it in the worse way. I could tell this was a bust and that I would go home and tell my cats Snow, Mittens, and Barbie about this. I was pulled away from my thoughts by a bing on my phone. It was the group that consisted of myself, Kim, Aja, Pearl, Willam and Courtney. Kim was my best friend and special effects makeup artist who did my makeup for Halloween and other events that made it okay to wear a full face of makeup that looked like it was ripped from a comic book. Pearl was my friend from beauty school along with Aja and Kim. Pearl did my makeup for more of a day to day soft glam look, while Aja did my hair. Even though Willam and Courtney were clients, we all became close friends. We were a family when we all left our families looking for who or what we wanted to be in life. It was nice.

Aja: Ayo sis. How was it? Aja had her very own style that showed in everything including her speech.

Willam: Yeah we all are dying to know Trix. We care about your happiness

Courtney: Ha Willam you only care about the $100 you bet that it wouldn't work out.

Willam: Oh hush your mouth. No one asked you Court.

Pearl: Take your time telling us Trixie. We are all here to support you.

Courtney: Well we are. We can't speak for Willam✌


I read through the messages with a smile on my face. I might be single but at least I had the best people to be single with. I sent a quick reply before getting ready for the day.

Me: He asked me why I wore so much pink, asked why I spoke with an accent that sounded like I never left the outhouse, ruined an amazing song and forgot his wallet.

Willam: Pay up you whores

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