Chapter 12:Katya

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Katya's POV

I made my way home at about 2am. It was now 5, and I had gotten three hours of sleep. I thanked the heavens that I didn't have a hangover. I got up and made my way to the bathroom. A nice hot shower sounded like an amazing start to my day. As hot steam filled the room, I let my body relax. I didn't have to be to the office until 8. So that left an hour for yoga, one hour to get ready, and then an hour to get coffee and cake pops then the drive there. I was proud of already having my morning routine sorted out. Hot water hit my skin and I was pulled deeper into my thoughts. The thoughts that were filled with the conversions I had yesterday. The ones with Dela, Ginger, Violet, and Trixie. The conversions that made me feel as if I was going to be okay and that I am allowed to be okay. Today was going to be a good day, I would make sure of it.

After my shower, I got dressed in yoga pants and a sports bra. I turned on music while I sketched. I went through many poses and felt my body relax more. I always felt awake after a shower but felt alive after yoga. As the song changed to a song with a more up tempo melody, I found myself dancing a little. I let the music move me and take me where it wanted to. My legs moved on their own to the melody of the song and my hips swayed to keep the rhythm. As the end of the song came, I slowly slid into a spilt. After the song was over I got up and went to get ready. The same smokey eye and red lip. I decided to wear a black top with lace sleeves and a black skirt with a red jacket and red boots. I like what I like and I won't apologize for it. I made my way out the door to make the drive to Starbucks. I ordered my usual and the sugar high in a cup for Trixie, and her two cake pops. Just as I was getting in my car, I got a phone call. I looked at my phone and it read 'Miss Mattel'. I have to remember to change that. I hit the answer button.

"Hello this is Katya."

"I know who I called silly." She replied with a giggle.

"Of course Miss Mattel. How can I help you Trixie? Is there something wrong?"

"You could say that. I need a favor Katya." I felt a lump form in my throat that made me swallow rather hard.

"Um okay what would that favor be?"

"So I had a few more things to get done here and somehow I fell asleep. Which usually isn't a problem but uh today it is." I hummed for her to continue. "Mother nature made a visit and I am not prepared." It took me a while to understand what she meant but when I understood, I giggled.

"Oh it's shark week? There's blood in the water." I heard her groan. "I am sorry. I did not mean to make jokes about your misfortune. But what does this have to do with me?"

"I need you to go to my house and get me a few things Katya."

"You need me to what?"

"Katya please. I would but that would be more time that I lose from today. I would have to figure out what to wear and that takes me a few hours that I just don't have that to waste." She whined and I decided then and there that her whining could get me to do anything. Need me to hide Alyssa's body? Got it. Want me to to rob a candy store or Ulta? You bet. Want me to sell my organs on the black market for some spending cash? Oh mama bag em up.

"Okay okay send me the address."

"Oh thank you thank you. There is a key in the potted plant on the side. It is taped to the inside. Just bring it with you when you come in. And don't worry about being late."

"Yeah yeah yeah I will be there. Bye Miss Mattel." I pressed the end button and smiled. Trixie sent me her address and I saw that it wasn't that far from Bianca's house. Only four houses down to be exact. I smiled more at the idea of being able to have Trixie come hang out with my weirdo group of friends. Her pink aura in the room with so many off brand odd balls, sounded like quite the night. I was glad that Bianca would be at work by this time, I didn't want to have to explain why I was passing her house to go to another house four houses down. As I pulled up in the driveway, I was in awe. The house was pink with white trimmings and flowers in the yard. There was a huge tree with a tire swing on it and I really wanted to take it all in but I had no time. I found the key and opened the door. The inside was more Trixie than her office was. Shades of pink and bright yellows filled the house. A white couch with yellow pillows, white and pink rugs, paintings of the beach and sunsets. This house looked as if Barbie ordered it herself. I made my way up the stairs and found Trixie's room. I looked at the list she sent me and grabbed the key items she needed. As I looked in her closet I was overwhelmed. There was so much and so little time. I should have known this woman had a walk in closet. After ten minutes of looking around, I settled on a short yellow plaid dress with thigh high white boots. Because well comfort, yeah I wanted her to be comfortable. I walked downstairs and was stopped by little fluff balls sitting on the stars, three of them. I kneeled down and pet them all. So cute and fluffy.

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