Chapter 20:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
I looked at the clock and counted the hours until it was time for the party. My mind was racing with different outcomes of tonight and how everything could go. So much could go wrong and my brain wanted to remind me of that. My mind also found its way to Katya. She had been on edge all week, tense and out of it. I remember when I called her and asked her to help with the party. I thought it would be best that she was the one who planned the party. No matter how much of an awesome party planner I am, I didn't really know Adore, other than her musical abilities. My color choices are usually pinks, yellows, and light blues. Katya told me that Adore prefers greens, dark blues, reds and black. Katya spent the week making sure everything was set in place and I spent the week making sure Katya didn't go off the deep end. I tried my best to make sure she didn't stress too much or at all really. I know planning this party may have been a bit much, but I wanted Katya to know how important she was to me and to the company. That was easier said than done, because well Katya has some good days and bad the next. It wasn't a problem because well she's amazing either way. Last night she seemed so up tight and I only wanted make her smile. The conversion we had at 3 in the morning played in my head, we were laying on the sofa watching movies when I asked Katya one of the questions that had been on my mind. "Hey Katya?"

"Yes Trixie?" Katya continued to play with my hair.

"Well, I was just thinking."

"As always." I hit Katya with my elbow and rolled my eyes.

"Not to be rude, but you're fucking amazing."

"That's not rude."

"Let me finish. Why are you single?" Katya stopped running her fingers through my hair and looked at me.

"I dunno. Because of me I guess?"

"What do you mean?" Katya sat up a little, causing my head to move off of her lap.

"Well I have had a few problems."

"That is okay, most people have."

"My problems were and well are different."

"Kat, I don't understand." Katya took my hand and led me upstairs to a room at the far end of the hall. She took a key out of her pocket and unlocked the door. We walked inside and she clicked on a light. The room was filled with paintings, big and small. I walked around as I took in details from every one of them. As I walked further into the room, I noticed a series of paintings that were covered. "Katya, what are those?"

"My problems." I reached for the large sheet but looked at Katya before I continued, she nodded and turned away. I pulled the sheet off slowly and stared at the paintings in front of me. They were all so beautiful but different from the pervious ones I had walked past. The paintings went from stable to chaotic. They all seemed to tell a story, one single story. The story of the dark haired girl in the paintings. The one painting that pulled at my heart was the painting of the girl sitting on the floor with a single needle in her hand. I turned to look at Katya, she was leaning against the wall. She was pale and looked as if she was going to be sick.

"Katya." the only thing I could mange to say was my friend's name. I walked to her and reached out for her. Katya backed away and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Please, don't think less of me."

"Why would I love?"

"Because of my past. I was such a fuck up, I made so many mistakes." The tears that were hiding in Katya's eyes, started to emerge from their hiding place. "I didn't want you to know, there was no reason for you to know. You are my boss and the only thing that matters is my ability to do my job properly."

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