Chapter 33:Katya

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Katya's POV

I sat looking up at the wall I was stuck painting. I had to pick Trixie up in about hour and here I was, sitting on the floor stressing. I told Trixie I was almost done, and that I had the black outline to do which was true at the time. That was before I changed it up a bit though and then changed those changes, and then changed those changes. I was stuck and I couldn't call Trixie to help me right now, which is what I had been doing for the past few months. "Katya?" I turned around to see Dela standing behind me with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Oh hey sorry, Dela I was focusing on this trash." Dela sat beside me and looked at the painting after handing me the cup.

"Katya, this isn't trash. It is quite beautiful."

"You have to be blind."

"I am not, maybe you are. Katya, it is amazing and I am sure Trixie will think so too."

"I'm not done with it yet, but I still hate it."

"Well, how about you finish it and then you can hate it."

"You are such a big help Dela."

"Oh, I know. Katya, it will come out great okay? Trixie wouldn't have asked you to paint this if she didn't think you could do it."

"I guess you are right." Dela put her hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"I am but I gotta get going. Trixie gave me a list of things to do."

"Alright." Dela kissed my head and disappeared upstairs. I put my head in my hands as I thought. I needed to get this done, there was no questioning it. Trixie believed in me but shit I couldn't same that I did. I really didn't want to let Trixie down, it would rip me apart if I did. Maybe that is why I was pushing for perfection so hard. I laid on the floor, just staring at the ceiling. I was kind of hoping that the chandelier would just fall on me. I was pulled from my thoughts when my phone began to ring in my back pocket. I groaned as I sat up and pulled my phone out. "Hello?"

"Hey baby, it's me."


"Well, who else calls you baby?"

"No body."

"Got that right. But anyway I can't use my phone right now so I am calling you on one of the office phones here.  I just wanted to see things are going today?"

"Good babe, Dela just went to get that list of things done."

"I didn't mean around the office baby, I meant with you."

"Oh, well I'm kinda stuck."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know where to go with the mural baby. I just feel like it isn't good enough."

"Why baby?"

"I just don't." I could hear Trixie's footsteps and her speaking with someone.



"I'm gonna go leave the room, I want you to FaceTime me okay?"

"Uh okay."

"Thank you, I'm going to hang up and call you right back."

"Okay." Trixie ended the call after saying bye. I set my phone down as I rubbed my forehead. I wondered what Trixie was up to. After about two minutes, my phone became to ring again. I smiled as I answered it and saw my beautiful girlfriend.

"Hey baby."

"He..wait are you in the bathroom?"

"Yes ma'am. I said that it was a family emergency. Which is true."

"Oh, is it?"

"Yes, now show me the painting."


"Show me."

"Do I have to?"

"Yekaterina, show me."

"I hate when you do that." Trixie smiled as I groaned. After turning the camera for Trixie to see the painting, the only thing I heard from her was a gasp.

"Baby, that is amazing."

"It is not."

"I think it is. Katya, when I asked you to paint this, I knew you would do an amazing job. I just wish you could see what I see."

"Me too."



"Could you come pick me up?"


"Yes, now."

"But what about your meeting."

"Family emergency, remember?" I chuckled as Trixie winked at me.

"Okay, but can I ask why?"

"I will tell you when you come get me."

"Okay, I'm going to leave now."

"Okay, good." I stood up after I ended the call. I had no idea what Trixie was planning but then again I never did.

"So, why'd you want me to pick you up?" I looked at Trixie as we walked inside her office. She wanted to take a nap in the car and well that's what she did.

"Because I want to sit here with you while you finish."

"You what?!"

"You heard me." Trixie grabbed the blanket that she kept in her office along with a pillow from the sofa.

"You're crazy."

"Baby, you have self doubt but maybe me being here will make you feel a little better." Trixie put her hand on my shoulder as she sighed. "Listen, I know how it feels to have no one there when you are trying. It sucks ass, so I'm going to be here. I will no matter what you paint, it will look amazing. Even if you give up, I'll still be proud of you because you tried baby." I put my hand on Trixie's as I smiled.

"What would I do without you?"

"Probably nothing, that is why I'm here. Now, get to painting."

"Yes ma'am." Trixie pulled one of the armchairs out of the corner of the lobby, where I was painting. She always told me those chairs where to keep people comfortable while they were waiting to be seen, but I knew they were for her naps. Trixie sat in the chair and pulled the blanket over her.

"If I fall asleep and you need me, wake me up okay?"

"Okay babe, thank you."

"Anything for you love." Trixie really was something else, but in all the right ways. She never let me stay down for too long, and when I wanted to stay down she sat right next to me.

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