Chapter 31:Katya

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Katya's POV
*Six months later*

Trixie and I been dating for about five months now, almost six. We were still trying to figure things out but we had fun doing it. We kept almost everything the same, expect for the times I would steal a kiss from her before meetings, or the times I would wake up next to her. I still had some doubt but it was pushed aside by the emotions I felt for Trixie. I walked to Trixie's closet and looked for something to wear. Trixie pushed for me to bring some clothes to keep here. She is hard to say no to so I gave in after about a month. "Babe!?"


"Can you bring me a towel?"

"Why do you always forget a towel?"

"It slips my mind." I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom.

"No it doesn't. Trixie, I'm starting to think you forget on purpose."

"Now, why would I do something like that?"

"I dunno, maybe because you like the fact that I stare at you."

"Hmm, maybe." Trixie reached for the towel but before she could take it, I pulled it back.

"There's a fee for making me stop what I'm doing."

"Ugh, really Katya? You're gonna make me late."

"That is the price you have to pay for 'forgetting your towel' mama." Trixie rolled her eyes and pulled me by my shirt. She kissed me as she put her hand around my throat.

"You love testing me, don't you?"

"Maybe." Trixie took the towel from me and smiled as she wrapped it around her body. "I'm gonna go finish getting ready."

"Okay babe." I walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I took a deep breathe as I leaned against the door.

"That woman."

I drove Trixie to her meeting across town as she did her makeup in the car. "Trix, you really should start waking up earlier." Trixie groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Well, maybe if a certain someone didn't keep turning on the light, I would have slept a bit better."

"Hey, your fluff balls were clawing at the bed. They kept waking me up."

"Awe, they just love their new mommy." Trixie leaned over and pinched my cheek. I slapped her hand away as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay first, don't do that ever again, and second we aren't married so I'm not their mommy missy."

"Yet." I looked at Trixie as she started to laugh.

"I hope you fuck up that liner."

"Oh, so rude. Um hey Katya?"


"Have you thought about us having that party?"

"I knew you were gonna ask again sooner or later. I am almost done with the mural, I just have to finish the black outline. But I want at least another two months to make sure everything is the way I like it."

"So, what does that mean?"

"It means yes. We can have the party."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, you dork." Trixie screamed as she smiled. "Hey, you're gonna get make up everywhere."

"Sorry babe. How about we have the party on New Year's day?"

"That gives me enough time."

"Hell yeah." Trixie leaned over and kissed me as we pulled into the parking lot of an office building.

"Wow, this place looks boring."

"Shows what the meeting will be like."

"You'll be okay. We still having dinner tonight?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay, I will make sure I get everything done at the office while you're here."

"Sounds good."

"Bye baby."

"Bye babe, see you in a few hours." Trixie got out of the car and smiled at me as she walked to the doors of the large building. She waved one last time and blew a kiss at me before walking inside. I started the car as I took a deep breathe. A party. A party showing my art work. I hadn't showed anyone my art in years, other than Trixie. I was so used to putting my pain into the brush strokes that sometimes I felt like that was the only I could do. But Trixie made me feel so much different. She made me feel as if I could heal from the pain I caused myself, the pain I caused others. I didn't want to dive too deep in but that smile of hers just pulled me in and held me, along with every other part of her. There wasn't a minute that I was unhappy when I was near her. There were times that I would walk in her office and just smile so I could see her smile back. She would call me crazy while she kissed me, call me an idiot when I told her corny jokes, and say I had lost my mind when I would tell her she was the most beautiful woman ever. And every time I would reply, I am idiot who has you. A soft blush would cover her face every time and it made me cover her in kisses.

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