Chapter 11:Katya

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Katya's POV

   I drove across the city to Bianca's place after stopping to get Adore's favorite cake and beer. The conversion I had with Trixie replayed in my head. She spoke with such care but there was hurt behind her words. She didn't smile much, like actually smile. But after talking more and making her laugh, I saw what I knew to be a real smile. And from that moment on, I vowed to do what I could to see that smile and not some half-assed knock off. I pulled up to Bianca's two story house and sat in the driveway for a bit. The only thing on my mind was Trixie and I kicked myself for it. She was my boss and hopefully later on, friend. But that was it. After a few more mental kicks, I got out and knocked on the door. Adore answer and nearly knocked me down with a hug. "KATYA! You came!"

"Of course I did! I brought something sweet and beer."

"Party!" Adore grabbed the cake and beer and made her way to the kitchen. When I made my way to the living room, I saw Alaska with Sharron.

"Hey you whores." I walked to the pair and hugged them both.

"Hey Miss Zamo how'd it go?" Sharron asked taking a sip of her beer.

"It was interestingly odd. The people who work there are so much different than what I'm used to."

"Ooh so are they stuck up?" Alaska looked up from her phone to make eye contact with me.

"No, just they aren't blood sucking, Halloween loving, pale, night of the living dead rejects." I said as I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Where is Ginger?"

"Oh she's in the kitchen with Bianca." I walked to the kitchen and giggled at what Sharron said after my back was turned.

"Who doesn't love Halloween or a nice cup of piping hot blood?"

"Yeahhhh they must be a real bore," Alaska replied.

"Oh there she is. Hey Katya we were just talking about you." Bianca smirked at me.

"Hmm I wondered why my skin burned. The two elder witches are planning my downfall." I hugged Bianca and sat on the counter. "May I ask why I was the topic of the kitchen rally?"

"Well we were wondering how our favourite Russian whore's first day went. Trixie didn't call me yelling at me for suggesting you so either you killed her and hid the body or left before she could even see you." Ginger laughed at her dark joke and Bianca joined in.

"Oh ha ha ha very funny. Was me just doing good and getting the job a possibility you guys thought of?" They looked at each other.

"Of course it was Katya. Now how was it? Adore told us she was a pink fluffy Barbie doll." Bianca said as she took a sip of her wine.

"I got the job and met everyone who worked there. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I talked to them all and well.."

"Well what Katya? Spit it out." Ginger commanded.

"They are all so close, I am basically an outsider. Well more than I already am." Ginger and Bianca walked over and grabbed my hands.

"Do they treat you like an outsider?" I shook my head no at Ginger's question. "Then there is no need to label yourself as one. They welcomed you Katya, accept it."

"Not everyone is gonna judge you. Give them a chance before you shut down on them. From what Adore said, they seem like good people. And you know more than anyone that good people are hard to come by. so don't be so quick to shut them down." Bianca squeezed my hand as she spoke. Adore laughed from the other side of the kitchen, she was so busy eating cake that I had forgotten she was here.

"Let's party now. Katya got her job and I found my start!" She walked to the three of us and hugged us. "Life is turning for the best and we are gonna ride the wave while it's high tide."

    After a few beers and glasses of wine, the celebrated really started. Music blasted through speakers and we danced around Bianca's open floor. After two hours of dancing, I went and sat down. I looked at my friends and how happy they were. Maybe it was time to let myself be fully happy. It really did seem like life was turning for the better and who's to say I can't enjoy that turn? Ginger looked over at me and smiled. I had the best group of friends a reject like me could ask for, and after the feeling of having no one, that is what I needed and never wanted to let them go.

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