Chapter 23:Katya

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Katya's POV
Trixie was staring at me, not speaking. I waved my hand and smiled, "Hello? Earth to Trix? Hello?" Trixie shook her head and chuckled.

"Oh, sorry you can sit down." I laughed and sat down in the chair across from Trixie. "You look...uh."

"Haha, I look 'uh'?"

"I mean you look gorgeous tonight. Well not that you don't look gorgeous everyday, because you do. It's just you look fucking breathtaking tonight. Am I saying too much because I feel like I am? Am I?" I put my hand on Trixie's and smiled.

"I like your talking. Your voice sounds nice." A waiter walked to the table and looked at us both.

"Can I get you two anything?" Trixie smiled and looked at me.

"Uh, two glasses of wine please?" The waited nodded and walked away. "So, do you like the dress?"

"The real question is do you like the dress?" Trixie blushed and looked away.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you got the dress for me so do you like the way I look in it?"

"Of course I do. I knew it would look amazing on you."

"Well thank you mama." The waiter walked back to the table and set down the glasses of wine. "This is really nice Trixie."

"It was all you. You designed everything, I just signed the checks."

"That may be true but you still made this happen for Adore. We are all so happy for her, she's wanted this for so long."

"I can understand that."

"What do you mean?" I took a sip of my wine as I looked at Trixie.

"Well, I love music. I always have but I loved it more when I was younger. It was something special about hearing all of the sounds mixing so well together, making something even better than before. I used to get the pots and pans out of the kitchen and bring them in my room to put on shows for my dolls and bears. Then when I got a little older, I got my first guitar after playing my older brother's for so long. My grandfather did so much work making sure I learned the best techniques I could learn, too bad I never use them."

"Why not?"

"When I told my mother about me not wanting to be a Doctor or anything, she lost it. I told her I wanted to become a singer, a performer. Someone who used their music to make hearts beat again. She told me I wasn't going to waste my life like my father did. Some worthless musician playing in the subway for spare change. No matter how many times I brought it up, it was always the same. So I gave up on that dream and decided to try beauty school, but that didn't last long." Trixie looked at the stage and smiled. "But I'm okay with making other people's dreams come true. At least they are happy." I touched Trixie's hand and brought it to my lips. I softly kissed her hand and looked in her eyes.

"You continue to surprise me Ms. Mattel." Instead of pulling away, Trixie linked her fingers with mine and looked back in my eyes.

"Oh, highlight of my life."

"I sure hope it is." There was a tap on a mic, causing Trixie and I to look at the stage.

"It is time for Adore to perform. Come on." Trixie took my hand and led me to the front of the crowd. Adore stepped to the mic and chuckled.

"Hey, um my name is Adore Delano. I will be preforming a song I wrote. But first I wanna thank Ms. Mattel for giving me this rocking opportunity and my amazing friends for believing in me. Oh yeah and my girlfriend Bianca who pushed me to uh do this. Thanks babe I love you." Adore blew a kiss at Bianca, Bianca smiled and caught the kiss. She mouthed an 'I love you' back to Adore. Adore took a deep breathe and started to play the bass line that started the song. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth. "Don't wanna be a part of that scene, I heard of the curses with death. My life is falling in to temporary sin, cluster of roses and babies' breath. I've been trying and I've been lying. I've been buying and I've been crying. And that's how I know, all of the legends die at twenty seven. They all went to heaven, all of the legends, all of the legends since I was eleven. All went to heaven, all of the legends." Adore lost herself in her music, every single time and it was a beautiful thing to watch. I glanced at Trixie for a second, she looked so proud of Adore. "And that's how I know, that I don't wanna go." Adore played her first song with passion and fire that rocked through everyone. Once she finished, the backing band slowed down and Adore put down her guitar. She grabbed the microphone and brought it close to her. "Um, I wrote this song before Bianca and I started dating. We were friends and well I wanted to be more. Really bad. Um, you'll get it once you hear it ha. Well, here we go." Adore picked back up her guitar and started to play it slow and steady. "Road trip and I lost my crown, to get away from this crazy town. He never seemed to look my way. My lover stays with his poker face. You know how they say I only have eyes for you, well you better be looking back at me baby." I tapped Trixie's shoulder and smiled. I held my hand out and bowed.

"May I have this dance?" Trixie blushed and nodded her head. I took her hand and lead her to the middle of the dancefloor. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close. "I lead of course." We slowly started to dance to the sound of Adore's vocals.

"And now I'm crying, cause you been trying. I said I been crying, yeah yeah yeah." Trixie put her head on my shoulder as we danced. Her in my arms and while she found her way into my heart.

The Magic in Your Song(Trixya)Where stories live. Discover now