Chapter 24:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I didn't want to take my eyes off of her. Katya was talking to her friends, who all wanted to sit with us. I was too busy staring at Katya for any conversion. My eyes drifted from Katya's eyes to her lips to her body. The low cut dress was driving me insane, and her smile was adding to the insanity. Is it crazy that someone's smile can make your body tingle with heat? When she smiled or laughed so hard her that her eyes watered, my heart smiled. Katya looked at me and grinned at me. Her eyes met with mine, she caused my world to stop turning. I turned away, blushing. When I first walked into the party, I just couldn't stop staring at her. When I laid my eyes on her, they never left her. When we danced, she moved her body with the music. She became the music. As she took a sip of her wine, my eyes followed her. I watched as she swallowed the red liquid, watched her quench her thirst. I watched as she sat the glass down, and wished the was that glass. I wanted her lipstick stains on me and her fingers to wrap around me like they did the glass. I wanted her to quench my thirst, the thirst that no wine could quench. The thirst that no body of water no matter how big or deep, could satisfy. The thirst that was for Katya, and only Katya. I was pulled from my thoughts by Dela tapping on my shoulder. "Ms. Mattel, would you like to dance?" I giggled at Dela's smile.

"Of course, but who is gonna lead?" I loved the way Dela blushed at certain things. She looked unsure by the idea of her leading. "I'll lead Dela, don't worry."

"Oh good." Dela grabbed my hand and pulled me up. She lead me to the dance floor with a smile on her face. I wrapped my arms around Dela and lead us to the song. "Ms. Mattel, I have a question."

"Okay Dela, what is it?"

"Do you like Katya?" I was shocked by the question but had to answer.

"Uh, what made you ask that?"

"Well, I see the way you look at her. Sure seems like you have a thing for her. I haven't seen you look at someone like that in a while. I think the last person was Eric."

"Yeah, that was a while ago. I was just a teenager and so stupid."

"Loving someone doesn't make you stupid."

"Yeah, but loving someone who doesn't love you does"

"I'm sure Katya would love you if you opened the door for her to." I laid my head on Dela's shoulder and sighed.

"That is impossible Dela."

"Why is it?"

"Because she works for me Dela."

"That didn't stop you from getting this close though." Dela pulled back and looked me in my eyes. "You can't pretend for much longer, we have to grow up at some point and stop playing dress up. Playing house is fun but I'm sure Katya would love it in the real world." Dela smiled and poked my nose.

"Don't do that. I prefer my bubbly cookie maker than the smart girl who gives advice."

"Well, can't always get what we want. Now, can we?"

"Oh, blah blah blah." Someone cleared her throat behind Dela, we turned to see Katya standing behind us.

"Dela, may I steal her from you?" Dela smiled at me and winked.

"Of course Katya, Have fun and Trixie, I know it is fun playing house but it gets boring away a while."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah go away." Dela walked off, while I was left with Katya looking at me, confused."

"Playing house?"

"Don't worry about it." Katya giggled as she held my waist.

"Oh, well I was more of the playing doctor type of girl." I blushed at the thought of what Katya knew about the female body and how to treat it. Katya smiled and moved a piece of fallen hair out of my face. "I wanted to tell you that you look beautiful tonight. This dress looks amazing on you."

"Well, thank you. Hey, um I don't know what you are doing after this, but would you like to come to my house? I thought we could spend some time together."

"That does sound nice, I would love to come." Oh if only she knew how bad I wanted her to. I pushed the rated R thoughts out of my mind and focused on the conversation that we were having.




"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Helping me out of my shell."

"I haven't done anything."

"You have. I wasn't gonna come here but the thought of letting you down pushed me here. You spent money to make me beautiful."

"Katya, you were already beautiful."

"You made me feel beautiful. I don't know why we are friends you know? Like, you didn't know me before I fell down a hole. Before I got messed up, but here you are being my friend even though I have issues." I took Katya's hand and walked with her to the far side of the roof away from the noise.

"Katya. the greatest of people have issues, but that doesn't make them any less great. If anything it makes them better than they were." I looked at the stars and smiled. "Wanna know why?"


"It makes them better because they decided somewhere along the way to push past their issues. They decided to not let the problems knock them out of the race. They continued and became the best them that they could be."

"But I let my problems knock me out of the race."

"No, you were knocked down but not out." I held Katya's chin and made her look at me. "You kept going after you fell and made mistakes. You decided to keep going even if you could fall again along the way. There is nothing wrong with having a few problems, nothing wrong with making a few mistakes, nothing wrong with finding yourself after you got lost along the way. The bad thing comes in when you decide to give up and not try, but you are here at this party, wearing this dress, supporting your friend because you are trying. Katya, trying is the best thing you can do after you have fallen. trying is what gets you there, what gets you to your goal, what gets you to happiness." Katya smiled at me and put her hand on mines. She pulled me into a hug and held me close.

The Magic in Your Song(Trixya)Where stories live. Discover now