Chapter 7:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
After my meeting with Adore I was ready to go home and crack open a bottle of whiskey and watch Clueless. But I still had so much to do. I looked at my appointment book. Three meetings to go. Just as I was sitting down to relax before the next meeting in two hours, there was a knock on the door and Dela's sweet calming voice.
"Come in Dela. I can't hear you through the door. You know this." I chuckled as she peeked her head in with a smile on her face. "Now what did you say?"

"The young lady is here for her appointment." I looked confused at Dela. Alyssa, Courtney, and Willam wouldn't be here for hours and none of them are ever early. I suppose Dela saw my confusion. "She is here for the new position of being your assistant dear."

"Shit!" I jumped up out of my chair and fixed my hair and dress. I had totally forgotten about her. "Go ahead and send her in Dela."

"Yes ma'am Miss Mattel and Trixie." Dela looked at me.

"Oh sorry for my language Dela." She smiled at me and closed the door.  I turned around to fix my makeup. I reapplied my lipstick and eyeliner. I really hope I wasn't wasting my time with this interview. Just as I was finishing my wing, there was a knock at the door. It was softer than Dela's. "Come in," I answered without turning in my chair. When I turned around, I was facing the most beautiful woman ever. Her blue eyes starred into my brown ones and her red lips were curled into a tiny smile. She cleaned her throat.

"Hello Miss Beatrice, my name is Yekaterina." I stood and shook her hand with a look of confusion.

"Um what? I thought it was Katya." She giggled and I swear I heard the giggle of beauty itself. I felt a bit embarrassed, thinking that maybe I had gotten her name wrong. I wouldn't be surprised, I had forgotten all about her until a few minutes ago.

"Yes it is. I go by Katya. But I am from Russian and my name is Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova." She said all of this with that same shy smile.

"Yeka-what Petro-who Zamo-where?" She full on laughed at this and for the first time I saw her teeth, her perfect white teeth.

"Katya Zamo is good enough Miss Beatrice."

"Well it is nice to meet you Katya and please call me Trixie. No one calls me Beatrice." She smiled more and showed her teeth again. I looked down and saw that I was still holding her hand. I pulled away and cleared my throat. "Please have a seat Katya so we can discuss you and the position." Just as she was going to sit down, her eyes got big.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here you go Miss Mattel." She sat my coffee and my cake pops on my desk. As soon as I saw the treats, I remembered how hungry I was and how in need I was of a boost. I took a sip of the coffee and closed my eyes in bliss. I heard a slight giggle and opened my eyes to see Katya looking at me with her hand over her mouth. A slow blush warmed my face.

"Thank you Katya. I really needed this. And also please just call me Trixie. Being called Miss Mattel makes me feel old and I am only 24." I took a bite out of one of the cake pops and had to suppress a moan. Sugar was my weakness and it showed. "So Katya, you said you are from Russian. It must have been hard to leave home."

"It would have been harder to stay. I moved here with my mother so it was easier." Katya answered the question quickly and carefully it seemed.

"I can understand that. Leaving Milwaukee was tough for me. Especially at a young age."

"Did you have family come along with you?" Katya's eyes searched mine.

"Um no. I moved when I was 18. Fresh out of highschool to attend beauty school." I saw a slight sadness appear in her eyes but she quickly masked it with a smile. "I made friends and started my new life, which wasn't that bad. Then I got that phone call at 3am and caught a plane back home. And well here we are."

"I am so sorry Trixie." Katya reached and put her hand on mine. It was warm and I didn't want her to move it.

"Oh no no. It is okay. That was three years ago. I am fine now. Thank you." She handed me a tissue to wipe tears I didn't even know had left my eyes. I cleared my throat once again and took a sip of my coffee. "So Katya tell me about yourself. She pulled her hand slowly back and started to play with a bracelet on her wrist.

"Well I am 25 with an art major. I live with a very beautiful creature named Lucy." I felt a pain in my stomach. Of course she wasn't single, she was breathtakingly gorgeous. And it wouldn't matter if she was single or not anyway, she is here for work only. Katya paused and I looked up at her. She smiled at me softly, "Lucy is my cat." I blushed and smiled awkwardly. She noticed. "Hmm I moved here with my mother when I was 14. Once I got here, we moved a few times until we stayed in Boston. I went to highschool there and then to college for art. My main forms of art to practice are painting, drawing, and even sometimes sculpting." She giggled as she looked at me, "I even did a few student films. I tried whatever caught my eye. I live that way. Whatever seems fun or new, I try it and deal with the aftermath."

"That has to be a very interesting lifestyle." Her smile faded a little and she looked down at her hands.

"It has been very interesting and the aftermath of trying new things still weighs on me sometimes but I go with the flow." I found myself feeling a bit of sadness for her and I didn't know why. I decided not to ask her what she meant or to dig deeper.

"So you are an art major, why work for a music company and not an art museum or become a painter?" She smiled softly at my question.

"I want to broaden my horizons I guess you could say. My friend Ginger, the one who told you about me, wanted me to at least try. And plus.." She paused once again and looked around. "Not to be rude but maybe you could use an artist's touch in here." She looked at me and giggled. "Pink seems to be your thing and this place is far from your aesthetic. Even if I don't become your assistant, maybe I could decorate this place."

"I suppose it is a bit off brand. I just never had the heart to really change anything in here. The lobby, sure. I added pink and white with a few flowers and pictures but nothing too drastic. I wanted to uphold my grandfather's memory." I felt my eyes burn with tears that were begging to escape.

"I can understand that Trixie. But his memory is you, and you uphold it by continuing his work but as Trixie. He left all of this to you because he knew you would make him proud. He knew you'd make the choices that would further not only the company but also make people's dreams come true. People like my friend, Adore."

"She is something special," I chuckled. "Her sound is something different yet beautiful. I want to help her make it wherever she wants to go." My eyes met with Katya's. And my smile matched hers, I stood up and walked to the front of my desk and held out my hand. "Welcome to The Mattel Company Miss Zamolodchikova." She stood and shook my hand without a word and before I could say anything, I was pulled into a hug.

"Thank you, thank you so much." I hugged her back and I felt a tear fall on my shoulder from her blue eyes.

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