Chapter 34:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
*Christmas day because I'm not skipping a chance to write some holiday fluff for these two queens..sue me*

  Katya and I woke up early since it was our first Christmas not only knowing each other, but being together. Last week we finally managed to pick a tree. A pink tree. It was the tree I wanted. Katya called me crazy but after a few kisses and pleads, she gave in. Even though it was Christmas, I was barely focused on it, barely in the holiday spirit. It wasn't because I wasn't happy, I was just busy planning the party for next week. Dela and I sent out invitations to almost every person we knew. Katya said it was a bit much for just a painting but I knew it was for more. I was able to get in contact with Katya's mother thanks to Adore. In the time of Katya and I knowing each other, I saw that the love and respect for her mother was unmatched. There were two reasons that I wanted Katya's mother to be at the party. Number one was that I wanted Katya's mother to just see her artwork, and the second reason is because I'd made up my mind to propose to Katya. "Trixie!"

"I'm upstairs baby." I could hear Katya's footsteps on the stairs and those damn bells that she had in her hair.

"Trixie, are you going to be in here all day?"

"No, I'm just.."

"Just nothing, stop working and come spend time with me."

"Alright, alright." I put down my pen and walked behind Katya.

"Trixie, where is your hat?"

"I'm not wearing that thing Katya."

"Why not?"

"Because it's dumb."

"Yeah, so is your pink tree but we got it." Katya smiled as I put on the elf hat she picked out for me. "You look cute." Katya hit the bell on the top of the hat.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't. Now, come on." Katya took my hand and pulled me downstairs. "We are going to bake."

"I can't bake."

"Well, I can so that means you'll learn."

"Oh no."

Katya and I tried to bake for a few hours. Key word is tried. After the third batch of cookies, she saw that I just didn't have the baking skill. Katya smiled as she put a cookie in her mouth. "Hmm, okay so you can't bake."

"I tried telling you that babe."

"I thought you were just being stubborn."

"Not this time."

"I guess there is a first time for everything."

"You're such an ass." I sat on the counter as I threw a chocolate chip at Katya, which she caught in her mouth.

"I am not."

"You actually are." Katya stood in between my legs and pulled me close to her.

"Don't be rude."

"I'm not, I'm being honest."

"Well, your honesty hurts." I rolled my eyes as I kissed Katya.

"Are you ready to open your gifts yet?"

"I thought I was holding my gift."

"You are so corny." I let my head fall on Katya's shoulder.

"You tell me that everyday."

"Because you are always saying some corny crap."

"Is that a crime?"


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